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MQ — Description

Nicholas Roerich, We Are Opening the Gates

Nicholas Roerich, We Are Opening the Gates

Meditation Quest Overview (English)

Meditation Quest Requirements (English)

Meditation Quest (other languages)

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Busca Meditativa

La quete spirituelle par la meditation

Búsqueda por Medio de la Meditación


Meditation Quest Course Description


There comes a time in our life when our worldly successes no longer satisfy us and we start to long for an existence that is more fulfilling and meaningful.  We aspire towards that which is unknown and we long to become conscious of realms that are beyond our usual mundane experience.  We feel the pull from a part of us that is sacred and divine.  We sense that there is much beauty, truth and goodness that remains hidden, but which we could reach and experience if we had the means to elevate our consciousness.


This course is designed to show students that meditation is a spiritual practice that makes it possible for us to elevate our consciousness. Meditation helps us contact and eventually unite with the divine part of us that we call the Soul.  The Soul is also referred to as the “Higher Self”, in contrast to the lower self, which is comprised of our physical, emotional and mental apparatus.  These three lower-self components are collectively referred to as the personality.  The aim of meditation is to bring the personality to the realization of the Soul aspect and to bring our lower nature under its control.


Meditation practices condition our mind so that it becomes the anchor point of the integrated personality, and the starting point for the building of the bridge of light towards the Soul.  By means of specific meditation techniques, our mind becomes receptive to the touch of the Soul; it stands still in the light of the Soul, and receives the Soul’s illumination, love and purpose.  In turn, the mind distributes the Soul qualities it has received to the emotional and physical bodies so that our entire being becomes uplifted by the beneficent influence of the Soul.


This entire process is governed by spiritual laws that are at the heart of any progress that we make as human beings. Thus, our everyday lives become soul-fulfilled lives, and qualify us to contribute to the upliftment and spiritual progress of humanity as a whole.



Here is a description of the course work and meditations:



Meditation 1:

This introduces the student to a regular and rhythmic meditation routine.

Preparatory Reading Material includes: an overview on meditation, an introduction to occult meditation, and an alignment to be practiced.

Meditation 2:

This describes to the student the necessity for achieving alignment of the personality and Soul.

Preparatory Reading Material includes: an introductory paper on the consciousness of man and the purpose and meaning of the Great Invocation.

Meditation 3:

This introduces the student to the Gayatri mantram and demonstrates the ability to think analytically while meditating.

Preparatory Reading Material includes:  a paper on the mind and one that explores the old adage that “energy follows thought.”

Meditation  4: 

This introduces the student to the process of concentrating  on a seed thought during meditation and to the concept of the esoteric movement from darkness to light.

Preparatory Reading Material includes:  articles on mindfulness and concentration and sequential thinking.

Meditation  5:

This introduces the student to the process of meditating on a specific mantram, involving a more demanding focusing of the mind in the act of holding a sentence or phrase in mind during meditation.

Preparatory Reading Material includes:  articles that expand the earlier concept that “energy follows thought” and mantrams have an evocative power; also papers introducing a consideration of the aspirant’s stage on the spiritual path and an overview of the Hierarchy of Masters.

Meditation  6:

This introduces the student to the process of preparing for the Probationary Path through the use of the stanzas called the “Rules of the Road”; to the required raising of the consciousness to the soul level, and to the necessary discrimination between different levels of the mental plane.  This meditation concentrates on Stanza One beginning with the words:  “The Road is trodden in the full light of day….”

Preparatory Reading Material includes:  articles on personality and soul consciousness, the seven planes in general and the mental plane in particular, and an expanded understanding of the Constitution of Man.

Meditation  7:

This Meditation expands the student’s ability to enter soul-consciousness and apply all previous lessons.  It concentrates on Stanza Two of the Rules of the Road beginning with the words:  “Upon the Road the hidden stands revealed…”

Preparatory Reading Material includes:  articles on the Soul’s place as the intermediary between the Monad and personality, the redemptive mission of the Soul regarding the personality, the disciple’s stage on the spiritual path, and an introduction to the Solar Angel.

Meditation  8:

This Meditation introduces the student to the process of building quality into his or her life by cultivating soul qualities and replacing vices with their opposite virtues.  It concentrates on Stanza Three of the Rules of the Road beginning with the words:  Upon the Road one wanders not alone…”

Preparatory Reading Material includes:  articles on the egoic lotus and the unfolding of its petals, the cooperative nature between the egoic lotus and the personality, concepts of soul qualities to cultivate, the relation of color and quality, and an introduction to the concept of resonance.

Meditation  9:

This Meditation introduces the student to the process of training the mind to visualize creatively and bring those visions into outward manifestation. It concentrates on Stanza Four of the Rules of the Road beginning with the words:  “Three things the Pilgrim must avoid…”

Preparatory Reading Material includes:  articles on the science of visualization, introduction to the Seven Rays, their colors and qualities, and how they impact us in many ways.

Meditation  10:

This Meditation introduces the student to the process of understanding his or her place in the universe, to the fact of the universal Oneness of all life, and to the concepts of the microcosm and macrocosm.  It concentrates on Stanza Five of the Rules of the Road beginning with the words:  “Each Pilgrim on the Road must carry with him what he needs…”

Preparatory Reading Material includes:  information on the microcosm and macrocosm, the Law of Correspondences, and the age-old aphorism, “as above, so below.”

Meditation  11:

This Meditation introduces the student to the process of understanding the Paths of Discipleship and Initiation as these Paths relate to the final Rule of the Road, Stanza Six:  “The Pilgrim, as he walks upon the Road, must have an open ear, the giving hand, the silent tongue, the chastened heart, the golden voice, the rapid foot, and the open eye which sees the light.  He knows he travels not alone.”

Preparatory Reading Material includes:  articles expanding on the concepts learned earlier relating to consciousness and the Path of Spirituality.

Meditation  12:

This Meditation concludes the study program that accompanies the Meditation Quest Program. It focuses on developing the ability to identify with the Whole, with the One Life.

Preparatory Reading Material includes:  articles expanding on the concepts of creative visualization and achieving union through meditation.

Meditations  13 to 18:

These last six modules of the Meditation Quest Program are meditation only, combining several of the earlier meditations to create a longer and deeper meditation program for the student.

Our other streams of education

Great Quest is our intermediate program 

Great Quest Overview (English)

Great Quest Description (English)

Great Quest Requirements (English)

Great Quest (other languages)

Khóa Great Quest

We also offer Great Quest in Portuguese and French, but students take Meditation Quest first.

Quest Universal, the most advanced program

Quest Universal Overview (English)

Quest Universal Description (English)

Quest Universal Requirements (English)

We offer some Quest Universal programs in Vietnamese, but students enter this program by first taking Meditation Quest and Great Quest.