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Nelson Mandela


Imprisoned for 27 year 2+7=9 was the time it took in subjective and objective defiance against South African apartheid to Initiate the cause of freedom. The tough, hard, exterior of his younger years is apparent as first ray resistance and many would note in contrast to the achieved goal and joyous facial expression of his later years radiating compassion, love and joy, the goal of the disciple on the first ray if I recall. He seemed to encapsulate that occult objective and in many ways I have always thought he was a racial avatar not unlike Lincoln. 

A universe as we understand the term is the physical manifestation of the eternal logos. It is energy in pure action and thus also is no action other than that inner causeless cause. Deep within the eternal darkness thrills that which digs holes in space and coheres and creates those physical forms that make of the physical body of the Universal logos. Science understands such holes as being black and of such stupendous attractive force that when the gravitational attraction calls the return of all matter even light cannot escape such huge attractive forces and is drawn back into the laya center of energy, that stupendous black hole scientifically understood to be the singularity and we understand to be dug in space.

That such huge universal forces exist is well known to both the occultist and the scientist alike and the terms of language alone differ. Such power, I sometimes see in relativity as the great ‘Mandela force’, being symbolic of the infinite Will of a great entity, one pointed and knowing no will other than that first objective to carry out the Will of God that others may to become as great Lords also. Such compassion and infinite love on the first ray and second sub ray knows only one pointed direction, never looks to the past and only sees into the future and knows not deviation from the original purpose. 08/12/2013. JPC.



Workers in the Religious Field Seed Group


The workers in the religious field are even today providing a highly useful and important aspect towards the coming New World Religion. As noted, the origin of all major religions is that of love. They are a materialization of an inner call, of spiritual unity and the journey of the pilgrim back to the Father. This seed group is a 2nd ray group and therefore closely allied to the Law of Attraction and Repulsion and also the outgoing and returning pilgrim.

Interestingly Christianity, although condemned today by the atheist as a religion of past conflict and war, demonstrates occultly as one of conflict and cleavage produced by the use and misuse of attraction and repulsion. Of these the atheist stands apart [temporarily] and wholly on the side of materiality [with its inevitable decent into eternal darkness when left to itself] and with a refusal to accept the responsibility of accounting for his immortal spirit. It is though, a bridging and transitional religion between individualism and group consciousness, between duality and union, between the lower and higher self of which conflict and internal war demonstrates the path of greater resistance, which is the correct path.

The most materialised aspect to this is the external warfare often enacted between the Christian and the non Christian, between the East which greatly determined its influence and direction, and of the West. Between Christianity and its offshoot branch the Islamic faith which is connected strongly to it. We must remember that the original message of these were of love even if in some cases grossly materialised. The future “light in the east” will be over Europe and America and any intermediary dense materialization of that light is simply the occult process of decent from the astral plane to the physical plane under the law of attraction and repulsion with its future ascent to the astral plane of LOVE once again. We have therefore, enacted today, the involution and evolution of this aspect of the second ray religious work of the 6/2 and the influence of the seventh ray, East/West bridge. It is the ongoing process of the synthesis of the mystic and occult paths.

Included within the new world religion are three main points out of the six which are as follows. These would make useful seed thoughts for meditation concerning the sixth seed group. JPC.

1. The fact of the Spirit of God… Transcendental Mysticism.

2. The fact of the divine quality of the Forces in nature and in man … Transcendental Occultism.

3. The fact, implied in the first, that Humanity, as a Whole, is an expression of divinity… Transcendental Religion.

We should note that none of the foundational “Rules of the Road” will ever change, apart from minor modifications of detail, as they represent the higher way as a synthesis of the mystical and occult paths. The Rules of the Road are implicit and intricately part of the sixth seed group and yet apply to all disciples and all groups. JPC.

“The seventh ray influence is that which will produce in a peculiar and unexpected sense the Western School of Occultism just as the sixth ray impulse has produced the Eastern School of Occultism – the latter bringing the light down on to the astral plane and the new incoming influence carrying it down on to the physical. The Eastern teaching affected Christianity and indicated and determined the lines of its development and Christianity is definitely a bridging religion.

The roles will eventually be reversed and the shift of the “light in the East” will be over Europe and America. This will inevitably bring about the needed and desired synthesis of the mystical way and the occult path. It will lead later to the formulation of the higher way; of this it is useless to speak at this time for you would not comprehend. 

None of the foundational and ancient Rules of the Road will ever be abrogated or discarded: just as men used to travel on the ancient highways on foot, conforming to the requirement of their time and age, and today travel by rail or automobile (arriving at the same destination) so the same road will be followed, the same goal achieved but there may be different procedures, varying safeguards and changed protective measures. The rules may vary from time to time in order to provide easier indication and adequate protection. The training of the disciple in the future will differ in detail from that of the past but the basic rules remain authoritative.” DN 133.


Addendum: We will surely note that the great devas otherwise known as the angels are a hierarchy in their own right every bit as important as the human evolution. At three key advanced stages an Initiate will come into close proximity with and occultly work with his polar opposite. The Christian religion in its many branches has done well to preserve the fact of the hierarchy of angels. Its great churches and Cathedrals are thus protected by their own Great Angels who guard the entrances of those sacred sites. Exoteric and esoteric Christianity record this well along with the work of the great healing angels/Devas. For the Churches hierarchy advised ‘no great changes’ and that the work they do in training the masses on the third ray was substantial and planned work.


Ray Influences on Humanity



DK said that all human mental endeavours would now proceed under the 3rd Ray Lord until the next cycle on this planet comes in at some point during the Aquarian age proper. The 5th Ray had been withdrawn due to the conditions that humanity found themselves in after the world war and because of the prostituted science that had taken place under the Nazis and Japanese scientists in a destructive application.


The 5th Ray came in at 1775 A.D. meaning that it had been in manifestation for 170 years at the time of D.K.’s writing (1949). It took 50 years for the 5th Ray to pass out, so by around year 2000 it has been completely withdrawn. Much should come to light by contrasting this to exoteric science before and after.


After the withdrawing of the 5th Ray, the scientific method proceeds therefore, under the 3rd Ray as a ‘hypothetical’ exercise in 5th Ray application although as the Tibetan tells us, ‘science is found on all the rays’. For instance Winston Churchill prior to the discovery of the atomic bomb mentioned it as did H.G. Wells. Indeed, we are told that it was the Initiates of the first ray ashram that guided the fifth ray scientists in its discovery and construction. JPC.


“RAY V – This ray has been in manifestation for nearly seventy years. It will pass out (by special and unique arrangement) in another fifty years, thus breaking into its own normal cycle, because it is deemed that the needed special impulse has been adequate and that the impetus given to the human “spirit of discovery” has served its purpose. Any further intensification of the mental processes just now (except through the general pervasive effect of the third ray) might prove disastrous. The ray cycles are usually set and determined, but, in collaboration with each other and because of the imminent spiritual Crisis of Approach, the Lord of the Fifth Ray and the Lord of the World have decided temporarily to withdraw this type of force. It will take about fifty years to do this.” DN 143.


“Note typo…in manifestation for nearly “one hundred and seventy years” rather than “seventy years”. JPC.





Regeneration of material science



The ageless wisdom gives us an advanced perspective and deeper understanding of history. The evolutionary unfolding through historic movements and events reveal to the eye the unfolding plan of human progressive movement. History, politics, sociology and economics reveal much through the teachings. If the fifth ray on the occult line was withdrawn by special arrangement with Shamballa and the Planetary Logos, we might ask ourselves Why? The intellectual thinker or indeed scientist is more so an occultist demonstrating mental focus and acumen than the mystic.

I would posit that the reason the fifth racial soul ray was withdrawn was due to the materialistic employment that scientists made of it during WW2. DK says this is the case and it would have been to dangerous to let humanity develop any more the concrete aspect of the ‘spirit of discovery’. Hitler’s and Tojo’s scientists were responsible for the prostitution of science through weapons and aircraft technology meant to destroy humanity. The legacy of that is still with us today in many forms.

Jsong Kha pa, HPB, and the Tibetan among others, came to confront materiality and material science with the ageless wisdom. Hierarchical cyclic thrust of the teachings were given largely also as a counter to the growing materialism of the scientific approach and Age i.e. the industrial revolutions and prior Oriental materialisation of wisdom due to the pervasive work of the lords of material expression.

What of the product of material science over the last two hundred years or so? We are told that the great poets and artists were sent in to counter also the scientific age or to balance it. It was seen as unsuccessful. This must be today largely due to the great business orgs or utilities marketing water, electricity, gas, oil etc. Early steam, water and electrical power was cornered by the scientific worker for profit and the manufacturing of products exploiting human labour instead of alleviating it.

DK tells us, amongst many things, in his complete `1947 letter to Arcane School students’ though partially unpublished, that the hierarchy were appalled by the inertia and lack of impetus in the period prior to the industrial revolution that they precipitated stimulus via the fifth ray, the scientific revolution. The mechanical age was foreseen to free humanity from certain limitations. However, it was subsequently seen by the Masters as having a deleterious effect being used instead to enslave great portions of the humanity it was meant to free. There was also an influx or sending forth of great poets and artists intended to bring and stimulate the urge to beauty and spiritual living. This was we are told by DK, a failure comparative to what was had been hoped for.

The mentally focussed occultist or intellectual works with the concrete or lower material thought-forms that collates and sorts and concentrates on knowledge that information brings. This is the product of the fifth root race, fifth, sixth sub race and Aryan mental focus. What are the products of material illusion. Can it be material science prostituted to weapons development on a vast scale for one. The enormous Pharmaceutical and Petrochemical industry also is a material product of concrete science 5/3 ray line which is the occult line.

Future work of the scientists will we are told be wondrous and in loving service that will “regenerate the fourth kingdom”. JPC.

“They may be seen in the purely intellectual selfish scientific type. They are responsible for much of the advanced application of mechanical science to the needs of men, and for the introduction of certain types of machinery; they work largely in connection with the energy of the mineral kingdom. By this it must be inferred that the solar Lords who embody this type are linked with a group of lunar Lords who respond magnetically to the devas of the mineral kingdom. Their work for the race has at present a deleterious effect, but when the second petal is opened, the wonders then to be achieved by them in loving service along their own particular line will be one of the factors which will regenerate the fourth kingdom”. TCF 842.



Economic Distribution and Sharing


The third ray ashram it is said by the Tibetan, undertakes a “direct attack” on materialism. It is this attack or direct energetic approach that will make possible the necessary “all-over financial adjustment” to our world economic situation. The correct distribution of energy is as important in the world economic body as it is in the etheric and human body for its ills to be adjusted.

The ancient principle of “greedy grabbing” must be substituted with sharing and economic distribution which as DK informs us is the responsibility of those countries that hold the wealth of resources of the world “in trust”.

They are trusted to make karmic adjustment as custodians of this great wealth in resources and to distribute equally to all humanity using the methods or transportation and logistics that they have well collated and understood for decades. Costs incurred should be covered using equanimity in distribution of such resources. There are those that aim to not let this happen and this is our problem.

On the principle of ashramic sharing. The sharing of hierarchical methods and spiritual events are indication of the divine flow or spiritual energies. This has reflection in humanity and where the flow is interrupted a “purely selfish” nature is seen whether of an individual or group or country. World wars and localised wars are indicative of the selfish lower nature taking president over the higher principles of goodwill of economic sharing and distribution.

The sharing of materialised or differentiated prana is the result of co-operation. Co-operation is the first indication of eventual sharing according to the Tibetan. Indeed, sharing is a soul quality and these workers will operate soul to soul making contact and a vehicle for the divine spiritual flow including that of economic sharing. JPC.



On the power of astral glamour


It is the plane on which the man will in time distinguish the real from the unreal. A solution of grounding in physical plane work of some kind is useful advise in the case of delusions. Often such a messianic delusion, contrary to group service, will result in breakdown of the kama/manasic mind and or physical body, but not always. Sometimes decades of suppressive dictatorship can result if the first ray is present with murderous results. It can be the case that the general mystic can develop this complex.


If insanity has not intervened then patient co-operation might be directed towards some area of suitable study and grounded physical work prescribed. A good psychiatrist can be very important in such co-operation. We need to develop our thoughts on this and show an appreciation and understanding of these matters. Social responsibility is usually the last thing on the mind of the mystic under deliriums and with a strong sixth ray fanaticism. In some instances DK does indicate that death is a beneficent result. JPC.



The Problem of the Children of the World



This world problem, for the children and consequently for the worlds future, can be read today not only in context of wars around the world but in mind of other world failures such as the general yet widespread physical and emotional abuse, mishandling and cruelty, neglect of all kinds, drug/alcohol contact and addiction both prenatal and throughout childhood and teenage years, sexual abuse, verbal abuse and the general and today common slave like abuse/trade and child labour, practised on the worlds children and young adults.

One need not dig very deeply before ample evidence of these appalling world conditions are found effecting children in all countries. DK told us that the royal star Regulus will by 2035 effect great legislation protecting the worlds children from harm and upholding their rights. Today there is much legislation in place, in some countries, yet in spite of this and perhaps nevermore-so has there been the need for the protection of the child in our history. JPC.

Discussed by The Tibetan DK via Alice Bailey.

“One of our immediate educational objectives must he the elimination of the competitive spirit and the substitution [Page 47] of the cooperative consciousness. Here the question at once arises: How can one achieve this and at the same time bring about a high level of individual attainment? Is not competition a major spur to all endeavour? This has hitherto been so, but it need not be. The development of an atmosphere which will foster the child’s sense of responsibility and set him free from the inhibitions which fear generates, will enable him to attain even higher results. From the standpoint of the educator, this will entail the creation of the correct atmosphere around the child and in this atmosphere certain qualities will flourish and certain characteristics of responsibility and of goodwill will emerge. What is the nature of this atmosphere?

1. An atmosphere of love wherein fear is cast out and the child realizes that he has no cause for timidity. It is an atmosphere wherein he will receive courteous treatment and will be expected to be equally courteous to others. This is rare indeed to find in schoolrooms or in homes, for that matter. This atmosphere of love is not an emotional, sentimental form of love but is based upon a realization of the potentialities of the child as an individual, upon freedom from prejudice and racial antagonisms and upon a true compassionate tenderness. This compassionate attitude will be founded upon the recognition of the difficulty of daily living, upon sensitivity to a child’s normally affectionate response, and upon the conviction that love always draws forth what is best in anyone.

2. An atmosphere of patience. It is in such an atmosphere that the child can learn the first rudiments of responsibility. The children being born in this period and who are now to be found everywhere are of high grade intelligence; without knowing it, they are spiritually alive and the first indication of this aliveness is a sense of responsibility. They know they are their [Page 48] brother’s keeper. The patient inculcation of this quality, the effort to make them shoulder small duties and to share responsibility will call for much patience on the part of the teacher but it is fundamental in determining a child’s character for good and his future usefulness in the world.

3. An atmosphere of understanding. So few teachers or parents explain to a child the reasons for the activities and the demands that are made upon him. But this explanation will inevitably evoke response, for a child thinks more than is realized and the process will inculcate in him a consideration of motives. Many of the things which an average child does are not wrong in themselves; they are prompted by a thwarted, inquiring spirit, by the impulse to retaliate for some injustice (based on the adult’s lack of understanding his motivation), by an inability to employ time correctly and usefully and by an urge to attract attention. These are simply the initial gestures of the emerging individual. Older people are apt to foster in a child an early and unnecessary sense of wrong-doing; they lay emphasis upon petty little things which should be ignored but which are annoying. A correct sense of wrong action, based upon failure to preserve right group relations, is not developed but if a child is handled with understanding, then the truly wrong things, the infringements upon the rights of others, the encroachments of individual desire upon group requirements for personal gain, will emerge in right perspective and at the right time. Educators will need to remember that thousands of children have looked on constantly at evil deeds perpetrated by older people; this will have perverted their outlook, given them wrong standards and undermined right senior authority. A child is apt to become anti-social when he is not understood or when circumstances demand too much of him. [Page 49] A right atmosphere, the imparting of a few correct principles, and much loving understanding are the prime requirements in the most difficult transitional period with which we are faced.” POH. AAB.

“A certain relationship or configuration of stars – of which one is the star Regulus, in Leo – will bring about a situation wherein the reorientation of the attitude of the legal profession will take place; its functions and duties will be centralized for the purpose of world usefulness, and in this process legislation for children will assume great importance and be the motivating power. This legal step will be primarily advocated by Russia and endorsed by the United States of America. Before 2035 A.D. such legislation will be universal in its sphere of influence and control.” EA 238.




Pioneer and champion Socialists – groups of 9 3 2 or 1


… Aye, the prize was worth fighting for, as there can rarely be found a truer embodiment of the first and uppermost Theosophical principle (as it stands the first in rank among the objects of our Society)–the Brotherhood of man, than Annie Besant. She is indeed the ideal of practical altruism… Though she fights no longer for stony-cold, scientific materialism, yet by joining the ranks of those most of whom regard as exemplars of boundless love for humanity the Buddha and the ideal Christ, the two pioneer and champion Socialists of the historical ages–Annie Besant can do but the more good in the right direction of social reform and help for the weak and the oppressed. BCW XI. HPB.


Such are the majority of Christians, for instance, in the churches. These, knowing not the laws of occultism, and only sensing the inner truth, work on broad lines of preparation. They are aided by bands of lesser devas or angels who suggest, guide and control.


Others more advanced work in smaller groups. They idealize more and in them you see the thinkers and leaders of social reform, of humanitarian regeneration and of church leadership, either Christian or Oriental. The higher devas guide them, the blue and yellow devas, as the former group are guided by the blue and rose.


Back of them stand the still more advanced – the aspirants, probationers and disciples of the world. They work singly or in twos or threes and never in groups exceeding nine – the occult significance of these numbers being necessary to the success of their work. Great white and gold devas attend their labors. Treatise on White Magic. 354. AAB.




World Population


Here is info on world population over the years which I thought might be of interest in relation to the thoughts of DK. The discrepancy between births and deaths are an indicator of the current world problem of over population “a major world problem”.

Sustainability being the question in mind, do we fully understand that the problem of excessive sexual appetite, in general throughout the human race, has called in too many souls as DK mentions, thus amplifying the extinction or pressure on animal and plant resources in general to the point at which we now globally find.

We should carefully note that the cause of this “major world problem” is the “unnatural preservation of life” triggering the “herd life in humanity” and is according to the Tibetan the cause of much suffering, the economic problem, many wars, the world over population and all contrary to the karmic intentions of the planetary logos. JPC.

“The economic situation will make it necessary that certain physical restrictions should be imposed, because it is now evident that beyond a certain point the planet cannot support humanity. This is more fundamental in its implications than you can imagine. Again, we have evidence of a growing realisation of the race along this particular line; that realisation is as yet distorted and much misunderstood and is today producing the promiscuous use of contraceptive methods. As the intelligence of the race is developed (and that is going on apace), as the Laws of Rhythm and Approach are grasped, it will then be found that there are certain innate reactions which will negate conception, and that then the mechanical means will no longer be required. This sounds as yet extremely vague and almost impossible, but the race is rapidly achieving personality control (e’en though our idea of rapidity may not be yours) and this, in its turn, must produce certain automatic and inherent changes. This is a point which must be grasped by esotericists.” ENA 134.

“population growth has its consequences

With 7 billion people now inhabiting the planet — more than at any other time in history — you’d think we’re having more babies than ever before. But a millennia ago, birth rates were actually higher in the Southwest than they are anywhere in the world today, researchers have found. Back then, the regional population soared — and then crashed eight centuries later. Can modern-day humans learn anything from the ancient Puebloans’ downfall?

Indeed we can, says a team of anthropologists at Washington State University, who report surprising population trends in the first millennial Southwest in as study published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Tracking the Boom 

Sifting through a century’s worth of data on thousands of human remains found at hundreds of sites across the Four Corners region, the area where modern-day Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah meet, the researchers crafted a detailed chronology of what’s called the Neolithic Demographic Transition, when people began eating more grain and less meat.

WSU anthropology professor Tim Kohler and graduate student Kelsey Reese put the start of the ancient population boom in the region at around 500 A.D. By that time, people had adopted two of the hallmarks of civilization: settled agriculture and food storage. They were growing mostly maize, which had become a dietary staple, accounting for about 80 percent of calories. With plenty of food to go around, crude birth rates — the number of newborns per 1,000 people per year — increased steadily.

But those halcyon days came to a sudden end around 1300. Within 30 years, the northern Southwest was virtually uninhabited.

Mysterious Decline

It’s likely that Mother Nature played a significant role in the population’s decline: A major drought that gripped the area in the mid-1100s was the beginning of the end, Kohler says. Until about 1280, the farmers left and conflicts raged across the northern Southwest. But the babies kept coming.

“They didn’t slow down — birth rates were expanding right up to the depopulation,” he says. “Why not limit growth? Maybe groups needed to be big to protect their villages and fields.”

As many as 40,000 people lived in the region in the mid-1200s, but suddenly, it emptied out. No one is really sure why, but Kohler suspects the population became too big to feed itself as the climate changed and growing conditions worsened. And as people began to leave, the community deteriorated, making it more difficult for anyone staying behind to fight off intruders and build and maintain infrastructure, he says.

Interestingly, people in the southern Southwest, who had developed irrigated agriculture, did not experience the same population boom their dryland-farming neighbors to the north did.

Consequences of Growth

Kohler says the Sonoran and Tonto people, who inhabited what we know today as southern Arizona, probably didn’t have more children because it would have been difficult to develop more farmland for them to use given limited surface water supplies. And water from irrigation canals may have carried harmful disease-causing bacteria and viruses, he adds. Groups to the north, who relied on precipitation from the skies to water their crops, would have been able to expand maize production into new areas as their populations grew — until the drought came.

Whatever caused the northern ancient Puebloans’ decline, Kohler says, their fate shows that “population growth has its consequences.”

He points to the warning of Thomas Malthus, who warned back in the 18th century that humans would eventually become too numerous for Earth’s limited resources to support.

Despite huge advances in farming and food distribution systems, modern-day humans are still vulnerable to catastrophic changes, and shouldn’t take for granted the resources and climate we depend upon for survival, he says. Kohler: “We can learn lessons from these people.”

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MORE ABOUT: anthropology, archaeology, http://discovermagazine.com/tags/?tag=human+origins

Ancient Southwest Baby Boom Offers Lesson in Overpopulation – D-brief | DiscoverMagazine.com

There is much info on rising population and also some on some sub trends of under-population, which DK does mention due to raising of energies from sacral to higher centers and which I have covered on this forum albeit perhaps to briefly. In some instances it appears this problem might be man engineered, with little balance, due to population restraints of various types. Issues to ponder might also be…

1. Promiscuity in sexual relations. [spoken of by DK]
2. The sex ‘market’ [spoken of by DK (direct/indirect)]
3. The spread of STD’s [spoken of by DK]
4. Gender selection. Female de-selection. [spoken of by DK indirect and roundabout]
5. Contraception and free sex or the ‘sexual revolution’. [spoken of by DK (and predictive)]
6. Sexual mutilation and other sexual violence. [spoken of by DK (partial)]
7. An ‘aging population’.
8. Conflicts and War [spoken of by DK]
9. Environmental degradation [spoken of by DK]
10. Pollution and Waste [spoken of by DK]

We could ask ourselves at what point do the words of DK take effect? “it is now evident that beyond a certain point the planet cannot support humanity”. The need for fair distribution of resources is all the more imperative. The Tibetan speaks of birth control or restrictions, as being fundamental in its implications regarding world population and sustainability. What if no restrictions had been developed? Perhaps humanity would not currently be sustaining on earth as it now is. Probably we may have had great resource wars greater than already experienced. Perhaps we may have even wiped ourselves out. I don’t find the current situation as being on plan or target but we live in the knowledge that whatever happens we are the creators of our own destiny.

The strain on humanity to sustain itself, and lets note that large portions don’t sustain adequate basic essentials to live a humane existence, is stupendous with the urge to greater mining of resources and consumption of the already well fed at ever increasing levels not to mention the developing countries demanding the according to DK ‘far to high’ living, material and eating standards of the west. The over material and already industrialized and industrializing countries require a high population. The consumption of land and leisure/media technology all face hierarchy with the ongoing problem of human release from lower to higher levels of awareness.

The population in 1927 [around the time frame of AAB/DK writing] was around two billion from one billion in 1804. DK referred to the then “unduly large population”. In 2011 it is/was expected to reach seven billion and should we consider this “extraordinarily dense” and occultly Lemurian? That’s many souls that were “never intended” at this time. We are perhaps speaking of “undue and unlimited propagation of the human species” on a unprecedented level perhaps far exceeding the dense population of peak Lemurian times with their uncontrolled sexual appetite and promiscuous spread of sexual disease somewhat reminiscent of today’s world problem.

We should note the hierarchical intention for the use of contraception in that human numbers cannot sustain successfully on the planet along hierachical expectations with that of the larger proportion of humanities reasons for using contraception with promiscuous intention for almost unlimited sex without responsibility. JPC.

“Millions of souls have been brought into incarnation who were never intended at this time to incarnate and achieve exoteric manifestation. This fact is largely responsible for much of the present economic distress and for the modern planetary dilemma. The economic situation and the necessity to provide for the unduly large population of the planet lies behind much of the aggression and greed of the nations down the ages, and for the effort being made today as never before to provide better and more adequate living conditions. War has consequently been the inevitable result of this undue and unlimited propagation of the human species. This lack of sexual control has brought into the world thousands of unwanted children whose appearance is solely the result of accidental and uncontrolled sexual relations, and in no way indicates the planned intention of parents–planned because intended to offer experience to incarnating souls, with the conscious intent of offering the opportunity to hasten the “birth into the light” of those particular souls, thus rendering service to the divine plan.” ENA 135.

‘Undue and unlimited’ were great predicting and foresightful words of the Master who referred to “the promiscuous use of contraceptive methods.” What would he make of the situation today? The Lemurians were occultly and numerically referred to as “the extraordinarily dense population of its civilization”. The sexual relation between the human and animal population today is not applicable relatively speaking though the appetite between the male and female animal nature is still rampant and in question currently. To qualify this thought or hypothesis, the rapid growth in human population has expanded beyond all reason I think it is fair or reasonable to say, according to general and scientific thought. The karmic problem would be addressed by the reduction of the number of souls called prematurely into incarnation and the release from the fear of death thus propagating life beyond the reasonable limits breached by the fear induced by the Black Lodge.

Human desire and control including control of the sexual and fearful imagination and an understanding in time of the laws of rhythm and approach will serve to alleviate hierarchy of their problem and humanity of the undue suffering it today participates in. Key to this is the growth in intelligence of the race which runs apace with personality control. Control is key and the inherent result of personality control is the almost automatic response to time and season or rhythm and approach with the resulting knowledge of the rightful calling into incarnation of the souls that karmicly are due and at the correct time thus outside of this conception will not take place. The symbolic “great approach” and “subjective approach” is karmic and chronological. The analogy and correspondence between the birth of the human kingdom and the birth of a human being is to be given serious thought by the student and has many indications as to the living processes involved.
1. “Great Approach” of the Hierarchy. Sun in Leo. Individualization. Initiated upon the physical plane.
2. producing outer physical events took approximately 5,000 years to mature and the Sun was in Gemini when the final crisis of individualization took place.

The subjective approach, “The first step of the Ego towards producing a “shadow” is expressed in the words “The Ego sounds his note.” That it is the ego that sounds the note is highly important to bear in mind in view of the planned intention of the parents and their souls and the planned sounding of ‘the depth or height of the note’ of the soul being called into karmic response, to produce a lower self or personality in full incarnation is a scientific, astrological and occult process. See also whole TCF 938.

DK draws our attention to the fact of the ego sounding its note and the parents responding in karmic sequence thus in context of personality control rather than sexual gratification and desire. DK therefore hints in relation to this astrological and karmic reality that outside of the correct times and seasons for the controlled personality, conception will or may not follow due to the innate intelligent mental reactions and understandings thus intellectually or mentally nullifying the calling into incarnation of a soul out of karmic time resulting in no conception. Promiscuity of the sexes also refers to the having of more than one wife. JPC.

“The vast population of the world today is the result of an animal response to those urges and of the general promiscuity, which is perhaps the outstanding factor, esoterically speaking and from the standpoint of the Hierarchy, of the present world distress, economic difficulties and national aggressions. Think this out, for it holds a clue.”  ENA 138.

“Millions of souls have been brought into incarnation who were never intended at this time to incarnate and achieve exoteric manifestation. This fact is largely responsible for much of the present economic distress and for the modern planetary dilemma. The economic situation and the necessity to provide for the unduly large population of the planet lies behind much of the aggression and greed of the nations down the ages, and for the effort being made today as never before to provide better and more adequate living conditions. War has consequently been the inevitable result of this undue and unlimited propagation of the human species.

This lack of sexual control has brought into the world thousands of unwanted children whose appearance is solely the result of accidental and uncontrolled sexual relations, and in no way indicates the planned intention of parents–planned because intended to offer experience to incarnating souls, with the conscious intent of offering the opportunity to hasten the “birth into the light” of those particular souls, thus rendering service to the divine plan.” ENA 135.

“The success of modern medicine is today so great that millions of people are kept alive–if not cured–who in earlier days and with less scientific aptitude would normally have died.  In this developed skill and knowledge, and in this aptitude in the care of the physical mechanism, is today to be found a major world problem–the problem of the overpopulation of the planet, leading to the herd life of humanity and the consequent economic problem–to mention only one of the incidental difficulties of this success.  This “unnatural” preservation of life is the cause of much suffering and is a fruitful source of war, being contrary to the karmic intent of the planetary Logos…..It will be solved when the fear of death disappears and when humanity learns the significance of time and the meaning of cycles.”  EH 27.

“The economic situation will make it necessary that certain physical restrictions should be imposed, because it is now evident that beyond a certain point the planet cannot support humanity. This is more fundamental in its implications than you can imagine. Again, we have evidence of a growing realisation of the race along this particular line; that realisation is as yet distorted and much misunderstood and is today producing the promiscuous use of contraceptive methods. As the intelligence of the race is developed (and that is going on apace), as the Laws of Rhythm and Approach are grasped, it will then be found that there are certain innate reactions which will negate conception, and that then the mechanical means will no longer be required. This sounds as yet extremely vague and almost impossible, but the race is rapidly achieving personality control (e’en though our idea of rapidity may not be yours) and this, in its turn, must produce certain automatic and inherent changes. This is a point which must be grasped by esotericists.” ENA 134.




Climatic Conditions


Many climatic conditions are man made and the result of his consciousness and DK warned humanity just before he ceased his work with AAB that our group decision was pending as to which way we went and the climatic consequences that would result on that decision. This I clearly have presented before us, for us all to consider in the many groups.

While I agree about some of the conditions on Earth being the result of Earth mismanagement we must also take into consideration the following from the Tibetan. The astrological passing of the Piecean age and the coming in of the seventh ray also will be responsible for many species extinctions that humanity has concern over. Human hand will also have a part in this as it is the middle kingdom affecting the lower kingdoms directly first with the shifting and depletion of branch groups of humanity and of sections of the animal and plant kingdom. Extinction and displacement are part of our spiritual evolution. However, total chaos and annihilation should not be.

The ‘magnetic force’ that the Great Bear and Sirius has on our solar system is terrific and the process of their forward Initiation has electrical and thus terrestrial effects on our Earth system producing many catastrophes over much time and cyclically. This is highly pertinent to the global recognition of climate change. Taking into consideration also that human material consciousness determines climatic conditions according to DK and HPB we have a strong case for the obvious climate change observations.

“This leads to definite changes and is responsible for much of the present chaos, turmoil and confusion. If you add to this the shift which is taking place in the earth’s axis (indicated by the widespread climatic changes and earthquakes among other things) you have a situation which must cause much confusion to astrologers everywhere”. 2117 DK Letter.

“Briefly it might be said that the following cosmic and systemic causes are responsible for the present world crisis and the present difficult world situation:

1. A welling up of magnetic force on Sirius, which produces effects upon our solar system and particularly upon our Earth, via the Hierarchy.
2. A shift in the Earth’s polarity, due to the pull of a great cosmic center. This powerfully affects the Earth’s orientation and is responsible for the present earthquakes, and for the volcanic eruptions and the many earthquakes during the past one hundred and fifty years.
3. The great sweep of the sun around the greater zodiac (a period of 250,000 years, or a complete round) came to an end when the sun entered Pisces over two thousand years ago. This process of passing out of, or entering into, a particular sign and cyclic influence covers a period of five thousand years where this greater round or cycle is concerned. This period of five thousand years covers the complete cycle of transition until complete freedom to function under the inspiration of the new sign is completed. We are, therefore, not yet free from incidental turmoil.
4. The passing of our Sun out of the sign Pisces into the sign Aquarius is another of the conditions bringing about the present confusion. This confusion of forces in the solar system is notably affecting our planet. In the process of passing from sign to sign, as for instance transiting out of Pisces into Aquarius as is now the case, the period covered is approximately five hundred years.

These are points which astrologers would do well to consider. I would remind students again that when speaking of signs I am referring to the influences of the constellations as they are represented by the signs, calling to your attention that in the great evolutionary process and owing to certain shifts and astronomical-astrological discrepancies, the Sun is not in the constellation to which a particular sign refers at any given moment. This I called to your attention in an earlier part of this treatise.
* Another factor little known is that the Moon today is disintegrating with increasing rapidity and this necessarily affects the Earth and produces terrestrial results.” EA 410.

“Another type deals with the electrical phenomenon which finds its expression in the light which man has somewhat harnessed, in the phenomena such as thunder storms and the manifestation of lightning, with the aurora borealis, and in the production of earthquakes and all volcanic action. All these manifestations are based on electrical activity of some kind, and have to do with the “soul of things,” or with the essence of matter.” TCF 873.

“One such center is to be found at the North Pole, and two more are located within the planetary sphere, and frequently the inflow of force or energy to these internal centers (via the polar center) results in those disasters we call earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.

There is, as we know, a cyclic shifting of polar inclination, due to the gradually increasing responsiveness of the planetary Logos to His heavenly Prototype, whereby influences from the Great Bear draw, or occultly, “attract,” the attention of the Logos, and bring Him more into line with a greater impulsive Will. This shifting causes disruption in His lower manifestation, which is a condition on the cosmic Path of Initiation analogous to that undergone by a disciple.

The planetary atom revolves upon its axis and comes periodically under influences which produce definite effects. These influences are, among others, those of the moon, and of the two planets which lie nearest to it on either side – nearer and farther away from the Sun. The moon’s influence is exceedingly strong, and has a curious resemblance (as far as the physical planet is concerned) to the “Dweller on the Threshold,” which has such a familiar and potent effect upon the human atom. The resemblance must not be strained, for it should be borne in mind that the moon has no effect upon the Heavenly Man Himself, as His stage of evolution negates such a thing, but that the influence felt is by the planetary Entity – the sumtotal of the elemental essences of the planet. Scientific occult students will learn much anent the planetary scheme when they consider the influence of the moon’s karmic pull upon the earth, coupled with the effect of the two neighboring planets, occultly understood.TCF 1056.

JC: So we must consider the feverish economic conditions since the time of DK writing and the extreme materialism which without doubt then, must cause global warming or great climatic alterations. Man’s consciousness and thereby his activities are alone responsible for his climate. I don’t think it is implausible that humanity can alter the world climate, raise the temperature and melt, even in part, the ice caps.

“The entire modern economic situation is of an astral nature; it is the outcome of desire and the result of a certain selfish use of the forces of matter. Heat and cold, as we understand the term, in a most peculiar manner are the result of the interplay of the pairs of opposites, and an interesting line of occult study concerns itself with the effects of racial emotions on climatic conditions. We most truly make our climate in one significant sense. When desire has burnt itself out, planetary life comes to an end, as climatic conditions will negate form-life as we understand it”. TWM 225. 


The Dense Physical Sheath


JPC: The dense physical sheath is no principle occultly speaking as we know. There are a number of ways to interpret the principles as HPB somewhere said. I see “2) Prana (life principle or Body), 3) Linga Sharira (Astral Body), or vehicle of prana as HPB teaches, as in this case being of the same seven sub planes of the etheric plane. They can be viewed as separate or indivisible in another regard. They are both vitaly animated with prana and are of the pranic plane the etheric and found prior to the astral so to speak. So on this point of vitality and prana AAB deals extensively with both these topics and also gives the separate numerations as principles from SD. I think her covering of the subject of prana in Toto is dealt with comprehensibly.

“the seven, or rather six, human principles.” FYT 195. HPB.

The Sthula Sharira or gross physical body does not have seven sub planes because we recall it a not principle and HPB states it is not. There are not seven principles in this regard but six or five with the Atman or spirit synthesising vehicle. There are no seven sub planes of the Sthula Sharira but three dense and four ether divisions. HPB said it is “the vehicle of all the other “principles” during life.” The principles manifest or express or operate by animating the automaton or Sthula Sharira, in this case.

The seven etheric planes are clearly given by AAB as, 1st atomic, 2nd subatomic, 3rdsuperetheric and 4th ether, then 5 gaseous, 6 liquid [third Element Water HPB. and 7 earth [fourth element HPB along with the “three other elements”SD1 253 see “development of the “Elements” (in the Occult sense)”] Earth/dense upon which the animal/physical sheath is built. These are the “states of matter” with ether being the theosophical “fourth state of matter”.

HPB said… “Let not the students of the Esoteric School commit the same mistake. It has often been explained that neither the cosmic planes of substance nor even the human principles––with the exception of the lowest material plane or world and the physical body, which, as has been said, are no “principles”––can be located or thought of as being in Space and Time.” Instruction 1 Vol XII BCW Page 528.

Again page 526 of the same “Now, neither Âtman, which is no individual “principle” but a radiation from and one with the Unmanifested Logos; nor the body, which is the material rind or shell of the Spiritual Man, can be, in strict truth, referred to as “principles.” In strict true the material shell cannot have seven sub planes. The Sthula Sharira and the Linga Sharia cannot have in your words “14 sub-planes given by Blavatsky”.

The elements of nature are known as Air, Water, Earth,[representing the three states of matter per HPB and AAB, also “synonym for solids generally”] and Fire and ether. They can be divided thus also as “The Golden Egg was surrounded by seven natural elements (ether, fire, air, water), “four ready, three secret.” This gives four and three secret, not unlike Baileys subplanes ‘1st atomic, 2nd subatomic, 3rdsuperetheric and 4th ether, [fire] then 5 gaseous, 6 liquid[water] and 7 dense[earth].”

In order for us to better understand these points of occultism I have aimed to articulate the four states of matter and the seventh, sixth and fifth as atomic, subatomic, superetheric with some reference to SD see SD1 562 “fourth state of matter”—on this our plane”… “the fourth son of fohat, ether.” These matters should bring a more synthetic understanding of Theosophy and the Ageless Wisdom. JPC.

“Had they been ignorant of the Heterogeneity of their Elements they would have had no personifications of Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and AEther; their Cosmic gods and goddesses would never have been blessed with such posterity, with so many sons and daughters, elements born from and within each respective Element. Alchemy and occult phenomena would have been a delusion and a snare, even in theory, had the Ancients been ignorant of the potentialities and correlative functions and attributes of every element that enters into the composition of Air, Water, Earth, and even Fire — the latter a terra incognita to this day to modern Science, which is obliged to call it Motion, evolution of light and heat, state of ignition, — defining it by its outward aspects in short, and remaining ignorant of its nature…

…Neither Water, Air, Earth (synonym for solids generally) existed in their present form, representing the three states of matter alone recognised by Science; for all these are the productions already recombined by the atmospheres of globes completely formed — even to fire — so that in the first periods of the earth’s formation they were something quite sui generis. SD1 141/2.

In chart IV the constitution of man AAB clearly denotes the seven planes and forty nine subplanes. The seven etheric planes are clearly given as, 1st atomic, 2nd subatomic, 3rdsuperetheric and 4th ether, then 5 gaseous, 6 liquid and 7 dense upon which the animal/physical sheath is built by the etheric body known theosophically as the Linga Sarira or in the ageless wisdom of AAB as the etheric body. Below from SD we can indeed see the slight alterations between the two systems as you might agree. The astral body, linga sarira is the vehicle or principle of prana having four higher etheric planes and three lower denser states of matter summing the seven fold constitution of the physical plane. JPC.

(5) Life (6) Astral Body Upadhi of Life (7) Physical Body The Upadhi of all the 6 Princ.
Or as usually named after the manner of Esoteric Buddhism and others: 1, Atma; 2, Buddhi (or Spiritual Soul); 3, Manas (Human Soul); 4, Kama Rupa (Vehicle of Desires and Passions); 5, Linga Sarira; 6, Prana; 7, Sthula Sarira. SD1 153.

The Linga Sharira [correspondence 4th ether, then 5 gaseous, 6 liquid and 7 dense] is the etheric vehicle composed of seven subplanes and a vehicle of prana. Note It is the theosophical astral body Upadhi or vehicle of vital force, Life or prana. Lets look at a correspondence. We can see that the four and three do hold some meaning here. The four ethers and three other denser states make the seven etheric subplanes and serves as a general and accurate teaching. The below is not a literal or exact correspondence but more an analogy and regarding prana we might differentiate between the vital force or life and the pranic [astral] body the “perfect but very shadowy duplicate of the body”. As stated in Lucifer v10 491 “But as the vitality which animates a man can only take effect in the human frame through the association which characterises its parts, we are taught to consider the Linga Sharira as the vehicle of Prana”. This means that the pranic vehicle encompasses the man or physical sheath through association with it as above described. JPC.

2. “The Vital principle-(or Jiva)-a form of force indestructible,
and when disconnected with one set of atoms, becoming
attracted immediately by others.

3. The Astral body (Linga-sharira) composed of highly
etherealized matter; in its habitual passive state, the
perfect but very shadowy duplicate of the body; its activity,
consolidation and form depending entirely on the Kama-rupa.” Five Years of Theosophy 146. HPB.

Speaking metaphysically and philosophically, on strict esoteric lines, man as a complete unit is composed of Four basic Principles and Three Aspects produced by them on this earth. In the semi-esoteric teachings, these Four and Three have been called Seven Principles, to facilitate the comprehension of the masses.”

“But as the vitality which animates a man can only take effect in the human frame through the association which characterises its parts, we are taught to consider the Linga Sharira as the vehicle of Prana”. Thos Williams F.T.S. Lucifer v10 491. HPB, AB. 1892.

Here are some interesting references this might be instructive in understanding some of the context and meaning of early theosophy and terms such as the sometimes confusing and alternative use of the word astral and etheric or vital body.HPB differentiates between the astral body meaning the etheric body or doppelgänger upon which the physical body is formed and the “next astral body” and the true astral body of desire kamas rupa. AAB instructs on the forty nine planes of the seven divided by the seven sub planes. The seven planes and centres of the etheric body are dealt with by AAB. Let us as HPB defines, consider prana and its vehicle the Linga Sharira or etheric double. That it is, the etheric or Linga Sharira, that is vitalised via the vital pranic ray or life energy emanating via the body of desire otherwise known as the astral body or Kama-rupa true. Accordingly the editors of Collected Writings VOLUME V July 15, 1883 49 might have reversed this due to the system used if we read the ‘secret doctrine’ correctly. We might note also the ‘violet colour’ correspondence between Linga Sharira and the etheric devas. JPC.“The Linga Sharîra is defined as the vehicle of Prâna.” SD3 460.“Prana, the infinite homogeneous vitality of the Universe, which is at once differentiated by its vehicle the Linga Sharira.” Lucifer vX 492.”The action of the stars (cosmic forces) upon the invisible body of man (his vital lingasharira) may be explained.” (De Viribus Membrorum. See “Life of Paracelsus” by Franz Hartmann, M.D., F.T.S.) SD1 532.”These various enumerations of the principles we are dealing with them (as H. P. B. has pointed out they must be dealt with) 11, 12 from differing standpoints, dependent upon the stage reached and the angle of vision. We have considered them thus in answering question six because we have sought to emphasize and to impress clearly upon our minds that the three lines of development must be remembered when considering the evolution of the Manasaputras.
10 Enumeration of the Principles – S. D., II, 627, 631.* 1st Principle – Dense physical body. Sthula Sharira.
* 2nd Principle – Etheric body. Linga Sharira.
* 3rd Principle – Prana. Vital energy.
* 4th Principle – Kama-rupa. The energy of desire. – S. D., I, 136.
(These are the lower four principles.)* 5th Principle – Manas. The energy of thought. The middle principle. – S. D., II, 83, 84. II, 332. S. D., II, 669.
* 6th Principle – Buddhi The energy of love. – S. D., II, 649, 676. S. D., III, 58.
* 7th Principle – Atma. The synthetic principle. – S. D., I, 357, 201. S. D., III, 142.
See S. D., III, 201, note. Treatise on Cosmic Fire. 266. AAB.HUMAN PRINCIPLES.
(1) Spirit*
(2) Soul
Vehicle of Spirit
(3) Mind
(4) Animal Soul
Upadhi of Mind
(5) Life
(6) Astral Body
Upadhi of Life
(7) Physical Body**
The Upadhi of all the 6 Princ.* As we are proceeding here from Universals to Particulars, instead of using the inductive or Aristotelean method, the numbers are reversed. Spirit is enumerated the first instead of seventh, as is usually done, but, in truth, ought not to be done.** Or as usually named after the manner of Esoteric Buddhism and others: 1, Atma; 2, Buddhi (or Spiritual Soul); 3, Manas (Human Soul); 4, Kama Rupa (Vehicle of Desires and Passions); 5, Linga Sarira; 6, Prana; 7, Sthula Sarira. SD1 153.1st Principle: the physical body which decomposes and disappears.
2nd Principle: LIFE or rather the vital ray which animates us and which is borrowed from the inexhaustible reservoir of the Universal Life.3rd Principle: the astral body, the double or doppelgänger, the shadow of, or emanation from, the physical body, which disappears when the latter ceases to exist. Collected Writings VOLUME V July 15, 1883 49 HPB.See also Doppelgänger; Etheric Body. BCW XV.The Human Principles The Seven Hierarchies and their Subdivisions
VIOLETLinga Sharira VIOLET SD3″Four groups of violet devas, associated with the etheric doubles of all that exists on the physic plane. These four are in two divisions, those associated with the building of the etheric doubles, and those out of whose substance these doubles are built.” TCF 912.7
Contains in itself the reflection of Septenary Man Silver The Moon
The Parent of the Earth Linga Sharira
The Astral Double of Man; the Parent of the Physical Man Monday,
Dies Lunae or Moon 7
Violet Ni Si. SD3 454.”Thus the Linga Sharîra is derived from the Violet sub-ray of the Violet Hierarchy.” SD3 483.Linga Sharira (Sk.). It forms the prototype upon which the physical body is built, and thus, is born before it and dies or fades out with the disappearance of the last physical atom. (TG)”Now the body is such an effect, according to the Esoteric Philosophy, and it is moulded on the Astral Body, the Linga Sharira, a term which will, by this time, be sufficiently familiar to my readers. The idea must be clearly grasped of a body of Astral matter, serving as a mould into which denser matter may be built.” Lucifer v10. 150″When the death hour comes the subtler bodies free themselves from the physical, the Linga Sharira alone disintegrating gradually with the physical frame.” Lucifer v10. 151.The Vehicle of Prâna
(The Astral Body, or Linga Sharira)(a) Rupa, or Sthula-Sarira // Physical body // Is the vehicle of all the other “principles” during life.
(b) Prana // Life, or Vital principle // Necessary only to a, c, d, and the functions of the lower Manas, which embrace all those limited to the (physical) brain.
(c) Linga Sharira // Astral body // The Double, the phantom body.
(d) Kama rupa // The seat of animal desires and passions // This is the centre of the animal man, where lies the line of demarcation which separates the mortal man from the immortal entity. Key to Theosophy. HPB.”Before leaving the Linga Sharira for the next Astral Body we must remember that it represents an association of actions whose effect is to render objective
not only the activities of bodily vitality, but through these the Life Impulse of the Universe…But as the vitality which animates a man can only take effect in the human frame through the association which characterises its parts, we are taught to consider the Linga Sharira as the vehicle of Prana……Let us now examine the nature of the Kama-Pranic Astral Body, which lives on the next plane of human consciousness. This plane is that of Prana, or of that vital principle described in Manual I, by Mrs. Besant. It is the abstract motion of consciousness, or the impulse to live, which lies at the hack of every manifestation, and may be viewed sometimes as Heat, sometimes as Will, and sometimes as the substance of Life, which both feels and is felt-a synonym of terms which I have ventured to elaborate in an article called “Heat, Sound and Consciousness.” Let us here consider Prana in its primitive condition, as the vital element, or motion abstracted from the Consciousness in which it is engendered. As such it lies behind associated actions as an infinite impulse “to be.” Homogeneous and universal, it is caught in its vehicle the Linga Sharira, and differentiated by this latter into as many forces as there are associated actions.” Lucifer v10. 491.

Virus and Bacteria – “office and duty”



The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (slowly replicating retrovirus) that causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),[1][2] a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells. Wiki.

JPC: ‘Failure of the immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive…’ This focuses our thoughts into considering a great contemporary social disease such as AIDS or Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The immune system is vitalized and controlled by the etheric body. In the book ‘Esoteric Healing’ by AAB we find the following… “a weakness in the etheric or vital body, which means that cell defenses are impaired.” Cell defences and repair are maintained by the immune system in the healthy or reasonably healthy individual.

When the immune system is compromised some form of disease, virus or bacteria, compromises the cellular make-up of the body and illness and disease eventuates resulting in infections, tumours and Cancer. AIDS manifests as ‘progressive failure of the immune system’ and we must consider the devitalized condition of the vital body due to sexual incontinence and promiscuity leading to contamination and infection by the HIV immunodeficiency retrovirus virus.

Genetic studies by medical science identifies the HIV virus from about 1910 and there is also some indication of its existence from as early as the late nineteenth century c1890′. There is then a possibility that the virus is much older than this and we must keep in mind that all disease viral and bacterial occultly extend from the three main categories of disease. Due to the nature and method of transmission of this virus it appears to fall into one of the three main categories of disease given by the Tibetan Master as “social diseases” though manifests as immune system deficiency definitely following the lines of hierarchical instruction ‘shall die from within’. Ebola virus or viral haemorrhagic fever is said to be originally ‘tens of millions of years old’.

If we allow for the original social disease of Lemurian times being Syphilitic due to sexual promiscuity and insatiable desire we can date ten or fifteen million years ago as a possible origin of Ebola being related to the socially densely crowded population that promotes these related diseases, Syphilitic, HIV and Ebola of past and present times, and the common infection transmission passed via the bodily fluids. It is most important to note that a dense population promotes like wildfire these diseases as noted by DK with Lemuria and as I have previously considered our modern population with the former, hypothetically considered and a work in progress.

“Bacterial STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis. Viral STIs include HIV, genital herpes, genital warts (HPV) and  hepatitis B. Trichomoniasis is caused by a parasite.”

” Bacteria are intercellular organisms (i.e. they live in-between cells); whereas viruses are intracellular organisms (they infiltrate the host cell and live inside the cell). They change the host cell’s genetic material from its normal function to producing the virus itself.
There are some useful bacteria but all viruses are harmful. Antibiotics can kill bacteria but not viruses. An example of a disease caused by bacteria is strep throat and an example of an affliction caused by a virus is the flu.” wiki.

JC: It is recognised that the largest viruses are only as big as the smallest bacteria. Viruses are generally very much smaller than bacteria and are packets of DNA/RNA information as are Bacteria, though with constructive differences and I propose that if we take the advise of DK that the Influenza virus is astral in origin then such viruses as HIV and Hepatitis are also of astral and Atlantean origin. Of the Flu and these origins I considered the following. Astral conditions of fear and worry are infectious according to DK and these astral effects create virus that has physical effects. Whilst a bacteria is a cell and living from the exoteric point of view a virus is not cellular or recognised as a living organism and therefore is far more astral than other etheric/astral bacteria. All are classed by DK as “contaminating influences “.

A basic consideration is the type of emotion or passion that causes the various viruses or bacteria to manifest as an agent of destruction and a packet of negative or destructive information attracted from out of the astral body of the planet and set in active motion by the negative emotion and activity of the individual. Influenza is obviously not a venereal disease with the reason that the emotion of ‘fear’ is its causal condition “has its roots in fear and worry”, whereas ‘insatiable desire’ is the powerful emotion that is causal of the social/venereal diseases.

Both virus and bacteria are of astral origin and “indigenous in the planet itself” and “inherited from old Atlantis” hence the astral connection. HPB said in her collected writings that “Most of the deaths from influenza occur in consequence of lung-paralysis” and this is indicative of what DK mentions… “They are so highly infectious from the astral point of view that they lower in a peculiar manner the astral atmosphere, and thus make it hard for people – in the astral sense – to breathe freely.” The breath is the life, is an occult maxim and if that free-flow of emotional interplay with the life rhythms of the planet and of human living is stifled with tremendous fear due to war or other related causes, then the very life is suffocated and the patient soon draws their last breath due to astral and etheric/physical lung paralysis.

We have a correlation between Virus and the social or venereal diseases and their astral origin via powerful emotion as ‘insatiable desire’ and its manifestation as a packet of information, as an ‘agent of destruction’ producing for man a ‘response that is bad’ according to the Tibetan. HIV and Hepatitis b is included in “the venereal diseases and syphilis” as DK directly indicates venereal or ‘resulting from or contracted during sexual contact’ or contagion. HIV is recognised exoterically as a SDI or sexually transmitted disease and therefore esoterically falls within the social or venereal diseases classified by Hierarchy.

Gonorrhoea and Syphilis mentioned by DK are bacterial and as indicated lie in the very soil of the planet due to repeated disease and burial. HIV like Influenza are viral and cannot live outside of the host body and cell, or in the soil though all are imparted by contact as both virus and bacteria are infectious. Interestingly they are both the same viral size of 130nm. Measles at 220nm. Hepatitis is 45nm. A virus is a DNA code of information and encoded as a deva “agent of destruction” or astral/etheric wave of energy as the Tibetan refers to them, performing a ‘definite office and duty’. They are then packets of ‘planetary energy and of death’ and of ancient origin and determined by a particular ray type. JPC. March/April 2014.

“viruses are not truly “living”, but are essentially information (DNA or RNA) that float around until they encounter a suitable living host.” www.

On Planetary Energy

The sumtotal of energy remains the same for as long as a planet persists, with its forms and life expression. It is part of the great storehouse of energy. It is the use and the effect of this energy, as it is appropriated by a form or forms of some kind, which we note as it is attracted from its own place to a place where normally it would not be functioning. There it creates situations and produces difficulties which are closely connected with a man’s karma and destiny. There is a great abstracting energy which we call Death, whose influence at a given time proves more potent than the united influences of the body atoms and cells. It produces the tendency to withdraw and finally to abstract the soul energy which avails itself of these potencies in the process of discarding a vehicle on some plane or another. It might be said that the seeds of death (the germ of death) are latent in the planet and in the forms. When powerful enough to be recognized, we call them germs, but this connotes a definite stage of almost tangible proof. When unduly potent, they produce acute disease and consequent death; when more feeble in effect, we call them illness and note their purificatory effect. These contaminations (as they can be called, though it is by no means a good name) are only such when that aggregate of energies which we call a man is brought in contact with these contaminating influences or types of ancient energies, and the reaction or the response is, from the angle of the comfort of the physical body, bad.” EH 348.

“Germs – individual and group – today devastate and destroy the human kingdom. They are agents of destruction and are performing a definite office and duty in the great scheme of things at present.” EH 29.




Health Care and Freedom from Fear


JC: I thought the sentence below from FDR referring to a healthy peacetime everywhere in the world and for everyone, is highly pertinent and to the point and not just for the so called Insured.

The constant raising of the soviet spectre on US health care is reactionary and ingrained into a part of the American psych. It does seem to be still working through today in spite of more progressive movement initiated by Roosevelt in the ‘New deal’, Truman’s ‘Fair Deal’, Eisenhower, who did not destroy it in favour of deregulation, and Lyndon Johnson’s Medicare/Medicaid which he credited Truman for instigating with his ‘fair deal’ programme.

The Johnson ‘Great Society’ programme of reforms and enactments included then, ‘medical care’. This in turn did contain a broad resemblance in medical care terms to FDR’ original 1933/5 ‘New Deal’ which included amongst other social reforms “Federal grants-in-aid” of health care, which overall was set up to reform and regulate at the time of the ‘Great Depression’ of October 24, 1929.

This regulation was an effort to impose certain measures of control on fiscal irresponsibility. Such regulation was instigated directly to counter those selfish groups and individuals which according to the Tibetan Master were, “Acquiescent to the cycle of well-intentioned money control.”

Franklin Roosevelt did so much to assist employees who struggled against unscrupulous employers that campaigned against unions that fought for pension, health and welfare rights. It was the ‘American Liberty league’ composed of corporate leaders that reacted and campaigned against the FDR reforms in social welfare. They saw it as a threat to democracy, as fascism and socialist by nature and sought to repeal the act of National Labour Relations.

To this day conservative republicans call any such reform socialist or even communist by nature. FDR, said in 1939 that “a comprehensive health program (is) required as an essential link in our national defences against individual and social insecurity.”


Atheism Based on Lethal Materiality


Man has ever the tendency to materialise and contain thought within the lower concrete mind. Philosophy ever bounds towards the infinity of the true nature of reality and uses the higher mind to comprehend existence and being. Philosophy loses sight of the personal and phenomenal world of ’empirical’ evidence via the senses and in short sees scientific materialism as ‘Atheism based on lethal materiality’ as HPB so eloquently expounded.

The waves of enlightenment and of esoteric teachings based on the universal truth body the “universal vehicle or “beautific” Vajra vehicle of the great Buddha’s, proved to be the sequential revelation needed due to the ever tendency toward dogmatism and degradation of the teachings and of the concurrent materialist science of those who through slackness of the intellect and ignorance as to the spiritual thrust, miss-interpreted and so incorrectly taught these teachings and the ongoing spread of science of the day.

Madam Helena Blavatsky brought us the ‘Secret Doctrine’ of the great Masters and laid us the foundations for the understanding of the ‘synthesis’ of these three cornerstones to occult philosophical wisdom. She did this due to the scientific materialism that had become a problem for the spiritual development of humanity. This was not the first time the dissemination of ancient wisdom had been given due to this. We are told that Nagarjuna (Telugu) (c. 150 – 250 CE) released his teaching on the ‘central way’ as a critical counter to the scientific work of the day.

The over analytical mind was thought to be taking to strong a hold over China, Tibet and all the East through the Buddhist realists and Brahmin logicians and meta-physicians. Nagarjuna preceded a succession of Buddhas and Bodhissatvas, including Asanga and Buddhapalita, through to Atisha [c 982-1054], in a wave of teachings which sought to counter such materialistic thought.

It is for this very reason that the works of Lord Tsong Khapa and the Gelugpa oriental teachings of the Yellow hat wisdom tradition, deals with this problem. It is a continuous problem and one reason HPB and DK in response to the first and second industrial revolutions, released ‘Isis Unveiled’ in 1875 and the ‘Secret Doctrine’ in 1888. JPC. 12 May 2009.

The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes that occurred in the period from about 1760 to some time between 1820 and 1840. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiency of water power, the increasing use of steam power and development of machine tools. The transition also included the change from wood and other bio-fuels to coal. The Industrial revolution began in Britain and within a few decades spread to Western Europe and the United States.
The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in history; almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. Most notably, average income and population began to exhibit unprecedented sustained growth. In the words of Nobel Prize winner Robert E. Lucas, Jr., “For the first time in history, the living standards of the masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth … Nothing remotely like this economic behavior has happened before”.[2]

The period of time covered by the Industrial Revolution varies with different historians. Eric Hobsbawm held that it ‘broke out’ in Britain in the 1780s and was not fully felt until the 1830s or 1840s,[3] while T. S. Ashton held that it occurred roughly between 1760 and 1830.[4]
Some 20th-century historians such as John Clapham and Nicholas Crafts have argued that the process of economic and social change took place gradually and the term revolution is a misnomer. This is still a subject of debate among historians.[5][6] GDP per capita was broadly stable before the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of the modern capitalist economy.[7] The Industrial Revolution began an era of per-capita economic growth in capitalist economies.[8] Economic historians are in agreement that the onset of the Industrial Revolution is the most important event in the history of humanity since the domestication of animals and plants.[9]
The First Industrial Revolution evolved into the Second Industrial Revolution in the transition years between 1840 and 1870, when technological and economic progress gained momentum with the increasing adoption of steam-powered boats, ships and railways, the large scale manufacture of machine tools and the increasing use of steam powered factories.[10][11][12] wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution



The Romantics and the Industrialists


DK tells us, amongst many things, in his complete ‘Lucis Trust 1947 letter to Arcane School students’ that hierarchy were appalled by the inertia and lack of impetus in the period prior to the industrial revolution that they precipitated stimulus via the fifth ray, thus initiating the onset of the scientific revolution. The long and slow process of the agricultural revolution between 12th/15th and 19th centuries largely ‘tied’ labourers to hard lives in poverty and conditions that did nothing for the average worker other than stagnate their minds and wear out their bodies. Education was largely unknown and the populace generally illiterate. Landowners controlled the lives and conditions of working people in every respect, which was usually poor.

The fifth ray hierarchical thrust to improve mental development commenced more perfectly with the incoming fifth racial ray from 1775 with the advent of the more hard line scientific/intellectual age as compared to the previous centuries of philosophical reason for the favoured. The mechanical age was foreseen by hierarchy as freeing humanity from certain working and economic limitations. It was however subsequently seen by the Masters as having a deleterious effect being used instead by the fifth ray industrialists to continue to enslave great portions of humanity it was intended to free. The populace found themselves in great factories working with machinery that made great profits for the owners and kept the people in poor living and working conditions.

There was according to the Tibetan Master DK, an influx of souls, it appears from 1770 to 1850 who were the great poets and painters, including writers and musicians collectively called the Romantics and probably of the fourth ray intended to bring in and stimulate the urge to beauty and spiritual living and conditions in order to balance and complement the inevitable rise to power of the concrete and material mental faculty. It would appear that the plan was for the fifth ray to be balanced or counteracted by fourth ray souls or Monads at least to some extent. The late 1800′ and early 1900′ did see the beginnings of education of children though still the emphasis was on early working lives. It has extended and education today is what hierarchy understands as materialistic lower mind development. Perhaps the best advancement was in medicine and cleaning up of sanitary conditions which did much to improve the general health.

This period of artistic influx was known as the age of Romanticism. This creative and artistic period did have widespread conditioning effects upon education and culture. We are told by DK that this was however from their view a failure comparative to what had been hoped for and which ultimately failed to stimulate humanity and particularly the pioneer fifth ray industrialists who were intended to implement their inventions for the freeing up and benefit of humanity. I gauge that they had come in for that specific purpose yet yielded to greed and selfishness. The agreed planetary withdrawal of the fifth ray of concrete science would commence after the culmination of WW1/2 and from 1950 concluding 2000 A.D.

One could theorise that the unforeseen and imprecise way in which humanity responds to the rays lead the response to the ‘faint impress’ of the fourth ray of harmony and art resulting in the revival of ancient medieval and mythological tradition and perhaps as a ‘realism’ in its extreme used in the rise to power of Hitler and the Nazi’s who used both these lower ray responses, fourth and fifth, to their distorted and corrupted extreme. JPC. 11/04/2013

“This fourth Lord of creative expression will resume activity upon the Earth about six hundred years hence, though already the first faint impress of His influence is being felt and the next century will see a reawakening of creative art in all its branches.” Esoteric Psychology I 24.

Romanticism (or the Romantic era/Period) was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century and in most areas was at its peak in the approximate period from 1800 to 1850. Partly a reaction to the Industrial Revolution,[1] it was also a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature.[2] It was embodied most strongly in the visual arts, music, and literature, but had a major impact on historiography,[3] education[4] and the natural sciences.[5] Its effect on politics was considerable and complex; while for much of the peak Romantic period it was associated with liberalism and radicalism, in the long term its effect on the growth of nationalism was probably more significant.

The movement validated strong emotion as an authentic source of aesthetic experience, placing new emphasis on such emotions as apprehension, horror and terror, and awe—especially that which is experienced in confronting the sublimity of untamed nature and its picturesque qualities, both new aesthetic categories. It elevated folk art and ancient custom to something noble, made spontaneity a desirable characteristic (as in the musical impromptu), and argued for a “natural” epistemology of human activities as conditioned by nature in the form of language and customary usage. Romanticism reached beyond the rational and Classicist ideal models to elevate a revived medievalism and elements of art and narrative perceived to be authentically medieval in an attempt to escape the confines of population growth, urban sprawl, and industrialism, and it also attempted to embrace the exotic, unfamiliar, and distant in modes more authentic than Rococo chinoiserie, harnessing the power of the imagination to envision and to escape.

Although the movement was rooted in the German Sturm und Drang movement, which prized intuition and emotion over Enlightenment rationalism, the ideologies and events of the French Revolution laid the background from which both Romanticism and the Counter-Enlightenment emerged. The confines of the Industrial Revolution also had their influence on Romanticism, which was in part an escape from modern realities; indeed, in the second half of the 19th century, “Realism” was offered as a polarized opposite to Romanticism.[6] Romanticism elevated the achievements of what it perceived as heroic individualists and artists, whose pioneering examples would elevate society. It also legitimized the individual imagination as a critical authority, which permitted freedom from classical notions of form in art. There was a strong recourse to historical and natural inevitability, a Zeitgeist, in the representation of its ideas.

The period unsurprisingly, given its rejection on principle of rules, Romanticism is not easily defined, and the period typically called Romantic varies greatly between different countries and different artistic media or areas of thought. Margaret Drabble described it in literature as taking place “roughly between 1770 and 1848”,[21] and few dates much earlier than 1770 will be found. In English literature, M. H. Abrams placed it between 1789, or 1798, this latter a very typical view, and about 1830, perhaps a little later than some other critics.[22] In other fields and other countries the period denominated as Romantic can be considerably different; musical Romanticism, for example, is generally regarded as only having ceased as a major artistic force as late as 1910, but in an extreme extension the Four Last Songs of Richard Strauss are described stylistically as “Late Romantic” and were composed in 1946–48.[23] However in most fields the Romantic Period is said to be over by about 1850, or earlier.

The early period of the Romantic Era was a time of war, with the French Revolution (1789–1799) followed by the Napoleonic Wars until 1815. These wars, along with the political and social turmoil that went along with them, served as the background for Romanticism.[24] The key generation of French Romantics born between 1795–1805 had, in the words of one of their number, Alfred de Vigny, been “conceived between battles, attended school to the rolling of drums”.[25] wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romantic_period#Romantic_visual_arts



Regeneration of Material Science



The ageless wisdom gives us an advanced perspective and deeper understanding of history. Yes, the evolutionary unfolding through historic movements and events reveal to the eye the unfolding plan of human progressive movement. History, politics, sociology and economics reveal much through the teachings. If the fifth ray on the occult line was withdrawn by special arrangment with Shamballa and the Planetary Logos, we might ask ourselves Why? The intellectual thinker or indeed scientist is more so an occultist demonstrating mental focus and acumen than the mystic.

I would posit that the reason the fifth racial soul ray was withdrawn was due to the materialistic employment that scientists made of it during WW2. DK says directly this is the case and it would have been to dangerous to let humanity develop any more the concrete aspect of the ‘spirit of discovery’. Hitlers and Tojos scientists were responsible for the prostitution of science through weapons and aircraft technology meant to destroy humanity. The legacy of that is still with us today in many forms.

Jsong Kha pa, HPB, and the Tibetan among others, came to confront materiality and material science with the ageless wisdom. Hierarchical cyclic thrust of the teachings were given largely also as a counter to the growing materialism of the scientific approach and Age i.e. the industrial revolutions and prior Oriental materialisation of wisdom due to the pervasive work of the lords of material expression.

What of the product of material science over the last two hundred years or so? We are told that the great poets and artists were sent in to counter also the scientific age or to balance it. It was seen as unsuccessful. This must be today largely due to the great buisness orgs or utilities marketing water, electricity, gas, oil etc. Early steam, water and electrical power was cornered by the scientific worker for profit and the manufacturing of products exploiting human labour instead of alleiviating it.

DK tells us, amongst many things, in his complete `1947 letter to Arcane School students’ though partially unpublished, that the hierarchy were appalled by the inertia and lack of impetus in the period prior to the industrial revolution that they precipitated stimulus via the fifth ray, the scientific revolution. The mechanical age was foreseen to free humanity from certain limitations. However, it was subsequently seen by the Masters as having a deleterious effect being used instead to enslave great portions of the humanity it was meant to free. There was also an influx or sending forth of great poets and artists intended to bring and stimulate the urge to beauty and spiritual living. This was we are told by DK, a failure also comparative to what was hoped for.

The mentally focussed occultist or intellectual works with the concrete or lower material thoughtforms that collates and sorts and concentrates on knowledge that information brings. This is the product of the fifth rootrace, fifth, sixth sub race and Aryan mental focus. What are the products of material illusion. Can it be material science prostituted to weapons development on a vast scale for one. The enormous Pharmaceutical and Petrochemical industry also is a material product of concrete science 5/3 ray line which is the occult line. Some progress or good news was of Glaxo announcing its offer to supply its “rotavirus vaccine” to the ‘developing world’ at a fraction of the general world cost, with the financial support of Bill Gates and UK Government also.

Future work of the scientists will we are told be wonderous and in loving service that will “regenerate the fourth kingdom”.

They may be seen in the purely intellectual selfish scientific type. They are responsible for much of the advanced application of mechanical science to the needs of men, and for the introduction of certain types of machinery; they work largely in connection with the energy of the mineral kingdom. By this it must be inferred that the solar Lords who embody this type are linked with a group of lunar Lords who respond magnetically to the devas of the mineral kingdom. Their work for the race has at present a deleterious effect, but when the second petal is opened, the wonders then to be achieved by them in loving service along their own particular line will be one of the factors which will regenerate the fourth kingdom”. TCF 842.