The Morya Federation is a school of esotericism whose central meeting place is an Internet Campus. Campus is a hub website where students find course schedules, prescribed course work and learning materials, plus forums where students post learnings and papers. It is the centre of our community of learners who are embarked on this most life-changing adventure — the Spiritual Quest.
The campus website is technically state-of-the-art, but we complement this capability by providing our students with a personal touch. Indeed, students receive personal contact and support through our mentors and advisors, who are faculty members assigned to specific students and who act as liaisons between the student and the School. This personal touch greatly enhances the quality of our students’ learning experience and accelerates learning.
We accommodate many types of students, such as those who prefer to:
- Participate in comprehensive esoteric study programs
- Learn how to meditate by taking part in a structured meditation course
- Attend internet group meditations at the time of Full Moon Spiritual Festivals
- Learn by watching internet-based courses live or pre-recorded.
We seek to attract students at all levels of knowledge; additionally, we accommodate individuals who have very little time to devote to esoteric education, all the way to those who are able to devote a significant amount of time.
Our curriculum is is almost entirely based on the “Blue Books” written by Alice Bailey.
The Morya Federation is the Internet Expression of the University of the Seven Rays, a non-profit, tax-exempt, Educational, 501 C-3 Organization. We are supported financially by the voluntary contributions of our students and benefactors. There is no established fee and our students decide for themselves what they are able to give.
Please visit the remaining tabs within this ABOUT US section, plus the extensive information we provide about our educational offerings under the PROGRAMS tab.
The Founder of Morya Federation was Michael David Robbins

Michael Robbins, Ph.D in Psychology, Ph.D.E. in Esoteric Philosophy. As founder and president of the Seven Ray Institute and University of the Seven Rays, Michael has persistently sounded and sustained the note of “teaching and spreading the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom” by sponsoring annual Seven Rays Institute/University of the Seven Rays Spiritual Conferences, and this since 1987. As a long standing teacher of the Ageless Wisdom through the study of Esoteric Psychology, Esoteric Astrology, the Science of the Seven Rays and Esoteric Cosmology, he has inspired students worldwide, a number of whom have gone on to form their own spiritual centers and organizations for the propagation of the Ageless Wisdom.
Michael is author of Tapestry of the Gods (a two-volume psycho/rayological treatise on the Seven Rays), Infinitization of Selfhood (a philosophical treatise on the nature of Identity), and On the Monad, an e-book exploration into the nature of Spirit. Since 1985, he has, with the technical collaboration of his colleague Rick Good, created three Ray Inventories—the Personal Identity Profile (PIP I and PIP II), and the new comprehensive TARA Test— the Transpersonal Astro-Rayological Analysis; these psychological inventories are used to help people determine their ray chart or formula and its relation to their astrological chart (pipiii introduction). Michael has written extensively on esoteric astrology recently completing over 300 hours of video programming called “Esoteric Astrology Adventures”. He continues to record deeply knowledgeable commentaries on various books by Alice A. Bailey. With the collaboration of his colleague Harold Moses, Michael has composed and authored sixteen musical, ceremonial ritual dramas and monthly Solar Fire Festivals that facilitate the invocation and expression of energies of the twelve Zodiacal Signs for the monthly spiritual festivals of the emerging New World Religion. Michael’s video and audio commentaries, books, articles and music can be found on the Makara Website–
He resides partly in Phoenix, Arizona, and also in Helsinki, Finland, with his wife, Tuija, who is an author, meditation leader, esoteric ceremonialist, teacher of the Ageless Wisdom and vice-president of the University of the Seven Rays. Both together and independently they have taught the Ageless Wisdom in many parts of the world and now complement their international in-person teaching work by offering many regular broadcasts and meditation-service webinars based on the Ageless Wisdom.