“Ancient Universal Mysteries,” under the auspices of the Grand Lodge, AUM, is a continuation of the Masonic labours that have been fostered and inspired for the past 150 years by the Grand Lodge on High (also referred to as the Spiritual Hierarchy) pertaining to advancements and progress within the field of Masonry. AUM was originally chartered by AAB and some of her Masonic associates in 1935. It was further inspired by the Master D.K., Who dictated certain Masonic Instructions to this group. It was completely independent from AAB’s other service activities pertaining to the Lucis Trust. To cut a longer story short, the foundations of this enterprise was bequeathed to the care of Keith Bailey in 1977 and his international group of Masonic associates to continue and foster into a more expansive Masonic undertaking. This they have faithfully performed and have completely re-written, re-composed and elaborated the entire Masonic edifice, including the Constitutions and Degree Ceremonial Rituals, stone by stone, whilst remaining faithful to the sequence of Masonic Ceremonial Degree performances and presentation. With skillful creative work over many years they have succeeded in drawing forth and revealing the deeper meanings of essential Masonry and erected a system that includes the Mark and H.R.A. Ceremonies within the system of the Three Degrees of the Blue Lodge. This was much desired by the Grand Lodge on High and has been inspired by Them. AUM has also extended outgoing inclusions for those who are non-Masons by inviting them to Open Ceremonies at the Cardinal points of the Zodiacal year, i.e., the Solstice and Equinox periods, as well as certain Full Moon Ceremonials. It also has performed many ‘Baptisms’ for children, at the request of parents (whether or not Masons) who desire a more spiritual type of ceremony for their children in this regard, as well as Adoption Ceremonies for children of active Masons who request it. AUM is now an international Masonic Order of a ‘mixed Masonry’ – meaning for both men and women on an equal basis – with branches in the USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and Bolivia. New branches are opening in Spain and Italy in 2016.
For further info, please inquire: www.grandlodgeaum.org