Seventeen New Videos (and more on the way) have been released for the Spiritual Life TV Channel Website and the new Spiritual Life TV YouTube Channel.
The lead video is a film on “Death and Dying Well: From the Teachings of Master Djwhal Khul” written by Olivia Hansen and produced with Justin Wilkinson, using many of Master DK’s actual words and evocative images. This film is designed for the public and for us and those of us with non-esoteric family members and friends. It is to help people understand more about the dying process in terms they can relate with to help alleviate their fear of death and help offset what Master DK says is the largest “glamour” in the world: the fear of death.
The other New Videos come from the SRI-USR Conference: Talks and wonderful presentations by Michael Robbins, Heidi Robbins, Francis Donald, Kathy Newburn, Walter Pullen, Rose Bates, Iris Spelling, Stephen Dinan, Robert Borel, Anne Owen-Stone, Dot Maver, Laurence Newey, Cassi Vieten, Dean Radin, and others.
These Videos could be of benefit to many people. So please enjoy the new Videos and let your friends, groups and family know too. We are all helping to spread the teachings of Master Djwhal Khul. I and my wonderful SLTVC team, Mar Sorell and Justin Wilkinson, would appreciate it!
The link for the SLTVC website is:
The Link for the SLTVC new YouTube channel is:
Thanks very much!
With Love and Virgo FM Blessings,