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Energy / Force / Fire




Why is Pure Spirit Darkness?


In answering this question we are demonstrating the power of communication on occult matters in a scientific manner. Our existence and all existence is due to the power of an un-knowable deity. I don’t think many scientists would buy that one! However, I am sure we have all had highly interesting conversations with all kinds of people. It makes them THINK.

Why is pure spirit darkness? Because pure spirit is brilliant beyond comparison to even the light of the soul and a milliard times more so than the light of matter. It is the “antithesis of darkness” the ‘direct or exact opposite’ to it and in general understanding darkness is only the absence of the light of the form. Everything other than pure spirit fades into blankness in the intense brilliance of the clear cold light. On the plane of spirit there is no form as we understand it.

“This realization necessarily comes to the disciple through the means of graded revelation and in balanced sequence; each contact with the Initiator leads the initiate closer to the centre of pure darkness – a darkness which is the very antithesis of darkness as the non-initiate and the unenlightened understand. It is a centre or point of such intense brilliance that everything fades out and at the place of tension, and at that darkest point, let the group see a point of clear cold fire.” RI 174.

DK told us that some scientists were gaining much ground in beginning to understand light. Students would do well to ponder this in connection with quantum physics and relativity. The whole quotient of space time or that great entity space, is one of light emittance whether of an atom or galaxy or sub atomic quantum energy. The quantum or sub-standing energy or force which manifests matter produces light. Light is electromagnetic energy and radiation.

Yet originating from the central spiritual sun, for all stars have this central sun that sub-stands the heart and outer body of fire. Science recognises black holes that are the source of all stars and galaxies and are the as yet also beginnings of outer bodies or spheres. When stars shrink over vast periods of time they are dying outwardly yet the inner source is withdrawing its energy back into its inner reservoir via a black hole occultly understood as a laya centre.

Pranic energy is electrical/spiritual energy, electro magnetic and so forth as expounded in the Secret Doctrine. This is a critical examination of exoteric and esoteric science. A writer succeeds in promoting occultism along with a scientific appreciation when enabling those in the scientific fields to expand their horizons and thus expand human thought and progression. In so doing we demonstrate an understanding and ability to think through both types of science and communicate them well. This indicates the ability to potentially discus these with a scientist and pose the main thrusts of the discussion or argument on a good footing showing the ability to explain and ‘back up’ key points well thus enabling in small part for “occultism to win the day” as HPB said it must. JPC.




The True Significance of Light


This statement by the Tibetan brings many thoughts to our minds. The ‘Law of Relativity’ as presented by Albert Einstein is essentially a partial or relative presentation on light “more or less.” Indeed we are told [second postulate] “The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion or of the motion of the source of the light.” As relative speed increases closer to the source speed of light, so space/time or that great entity space ceases to be visible.

Thus physical space/matter is visible in its constituent atomic group relatively according to their lesser and greater groups, and this due their inherent capacity to generate and expel light due to rotary motion and also due to the inner heart of the sun within the atom or solar system. This applies to atoms, a man, a planet or a sun/stars. ‘E = mc2, energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable’ energy is never lost only transmuted and this is exemplified in the third Initiation of the Transfiguration.

The “Law of Expansion” discussed by DK in this same passage may be materialised in our understanding of space time and light and economy as we recall ‘The Universe is expanding, and the far parts of it are moving away from us faster than the speed of light’. Thus we cannot measure the great expanse of the Universe [to once again return to the Singularity/Black hole “the seven solar Rays dilate to seven suns and set fire to the whole cosmos” then return to inner source] considering also that there are types of light that do not even penetrate into our system as it is repelled by our own as an opposite polarity in light “whose rays of light do not pierce (if it might be expressed in so unscientific a manner) through the solar periphery.” Much for us to think of on relativity. JPC.

“Scientists are beginning to recognize this more or less, and to realize that it is the Law of Relativity, or the relation between all atoms, which produces that which is called Light, and which, in its aggregated phenomena, forms that composite sphere, a solar system.” TCF 1041.

“I praise the perfect buddha, the supreme philosopher, who taught us relativity.”

“I bow down to him who’s wisdom and insight make him un excelled as sage and teacher; the victor who realised (Ultimate truth), then taught it us as relativity!”

“Thus experience of relativity is most recommended in your teaching, and not that of absolute nothingness, nor that of intrinsic real existence. Lord Tsong Kapa, The Speech of Gold.



Contemporary Scientific Thought and the Secret Doctrine


The gulf between contemporary scientific thought and the Secret Doctrine is great. There is so much scientific material covered in the ageless wisdom of AAB and HPB which reveals much to those with interest. For instance, an intelligence or creative life force that holds all things in being and in their respective places, here HPB would say… KARMA allied to the great Law of Attraction and Repulsion.


Newton stated many scientific truths such as ‘the velocity of a body is a constant unless altered by an external force’ yet he never denied a greater force impelling planetary and gravitational forces and motion. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction is the Newton equation that may also be extended to the great law of karma and cyclic/gravitational return. Energy set in motion is never lost but may be absorbed or wrongly used, redirected or transformed.


The cyclic return of energy can be seen in the electrical frequency and alternating current, the weather systems and human behaviour and life patterns. Karma is an extension of the laws of cyclic motion and return governing every aspect of energy use on the planet and system, under the governance of the second ray lord.


Astronomical science and physics have deduced much using mathematics and cycles and these predict many [not all] exoteric cycles and varying patterns of physical behaviours. The ray lords are the chronologists and great time keepers. Scientists of course only yet predict or deduce the exoteric to some extent and see not the inner cause or conscious life of stupendous proportions. JPC.


 The Work of HPB

The work of HPB is a magnum opus and one of the greatest legacies ever left to humanity. Students that don’t study the Secret Doctrine have missed a great foundational understanding of matters. DK refers us multiple times to her work, as you know and appreciate and gave much of the work therein, HPB being his first amanuensis.

I recommend without reservation the close study of her foundational work in its entirety along side that of Alice Bailey. HPB certainly had to contend with things we know little of, and at great personal cost. That said, she took all in her stride and certainly never bowed to second rate commentators or ignoramuses as is historically recorded.


Her work, being exemplary, stands today as the first ‘preparatory’ instalment of the ageless wisdom given by AAB/DK. Such a cornerstone can never be moved or undermined and bears the ‘intermediate’ work given by AAB. There could be no other foundational work able to carry the latter. A ten volume corner stone of Collected Writings, Isis Unveiled and the Secret Doctrine, remain unmovable. JPC.



Seven Jewels seven Sub rays


“It is also that which the other three aspects shield, and which the seven principles (expressing themselves as vehicles) protect. There are seven of these “points” or “jewels,” expressing the sevenfold nature of consciousness, and as they are brought one by one into living expression, the seven subrays of the dominating monadic ray are also one by one made manifest, so that each initiate-disciple is (in due time) a Son of God in full and outer glory.” (TEV 169-170)


JC: The seven sub rays of the monads in their seven groups find expression through projection of the required sub ray from the corresponding seven sub points or seven jewels found within the monadic jewel.


A Monad of love requiring to serve via the seventh ray will thus project ‘a fragment of itself’ via the seventh interior jewel of the monadic jewel and thus emerges a seventh monadic sub ray of the major ray.


“All so-called first ray egos are on the first subray of the second ray, which is in incarnation.  A pure first ray ego in incarnation at this time would be a disaster.  There is not sufficient intelligence and love in the world to balance the dynamic will of an ego on the ray of the destroyer.” EPI 26/27


“After the third Initiation all human beings find themselves on their monadic ray, on one of the three major rays, and the fact that Masters and Initiates are found on all the rays is due to the following two factors:

First.  Each major ray has its subrays, which correspond to all the seven.

Second.  Many of the guides of the race transfer from one ray to another as They are needed, and as the work may require.  When one of the Masters or Initiates is transferred it causes a complete re-adjustment.” TCF 176.



The seven ray chronologers/timekeepers


HPB refers to the seven regents or rays as so often is the case in her work. They are the Gods as referenced many times in the Secret Doctrine of Blavatsky and Ageless Wisdom of Bailey. The Sephiroth or Elohim are referred to as “numbers” and thus the seven ray breaths or brothers of light are the divine chronologers creating using mathematical geometrical construction. They keep the time and seasons and issue forth under strict time periods of activity producing the ages and seasons and karmic periods of pralaya and cosmic activity. The seven Rishis “are the sons of Kronos (Time)”


Note also the First God as being collectively “ONE” or of the First Ray and the next God who stand next to the ONE is “the SECOND GOD,” or “WISDOM”. This is a reference in early form to the 2nd ray of love-wisdom. The first ONE or ray being the initiator/reflector under Will-Power or 0 on the first or ideal and highest plane. Note also the reference to plural number, or “Words” which I believe can also account for the dual names given of the rays. They are the seven sons of light or fohat and the builders of form. In Brotherhood. JPC.


“It emanates from itself — as the upper Sephirothal Triad emanates the lower

seven Sephiroth — the seven Rays or Dhyan Chohans”. SD1 130.


“God” or the Elohim are the “Seven Regents” of Pymander. They are identical with all the other Creators.”


“the Sephiroth-Elohim” SD1 129.


“The latter is, in the Chaldean Kabala, a pure abstraction; the Word or

LOGOS, or DABAR (in Hebrew), which Word, though

it becomes in fact a plural number, or “Words”–D(a)B(a)RIM,

when it reflects itself, or falls into the aspect of a Host (of angels, or

Sephiroth, “numbers”) is still collectively ONE, and on the ideal plane a nought–0, a “No-thing.”

IT is without form or being, “with no likeness with anything else.” (Franck, “Die Kabbala,” p. 126.)


And even Philo calls the Creator, the Logos

who stands next God, “the SECOND GOD,” and “the second God who is his

(Highest God’s) WISDOM” (Philo. Quaest. et Solut).” SD1 350





Boson, Atom, Electron, Plasma, Ion, Gas

“Only when scientists are prepared to admit the fact that there is a body of vitality which acts as a focal point in every organized form, and only when they are willing to consider each element and form of every degree as constituting part of a still greater vital body, will the true methods of the great goddess Nature become their methods. To do this they must be prepared to accept the sevenfold differentiation of the physical plane as stated by Eastern occultism, to recognize the triple nature of the septenary manifestation.
* The atomic or Shiva energy, the energy of the first subplane or the first etheric plane.
* The vital form building energy of the three ensuing etheric levels.
* The negative receptive energy of the three planes of the dense physical, the gaseous, the liquid and the truly dense.

They will also eventually consider the interplay between the lower three and the higher four in that great atom called the physical plane. This can be seen duplicated in the atom of the physicist or chemist. Scientific students who are interested in these matters will find it worth while to consider the correspondence between these three types of energy, and that which is understood by the words, atoms, electrons, and ions.

All that manifests (from God to man) is the result of these three types of energy or force, of their combination, their interplay, and their psychic action and reaction. During the great cycle of logoic appearance it is the second type of energy which dominates and which is of evolutionary importance, and this is why the etheric body which lies back of all that is visible is the most important. This is equally true of gods, of men and of atoms.” TCF 918.

The seven etheric planes are given by AAB as, 1st atomic, 2nd subatomic, 3rd superetheric and 4th ether. The 5 gaseous, 6 liquid and 7 earth/solid.
These are the “states of matter” with ether being the theosophical “fourth state of matter”. Atoms of science may relate to the second subplane. I hypothetically proposed the Higgs Boson to this plane though this also may be 2nd plane.

Atomic or Shiva energy, the energy of the first subplane or the first etheric plane = 1st atomic = Higgs Boson, Atoms or sub atomic of 2nd plane.
The vital form building energy of the three ensuing etheric levels = 2nd subatomic, 3rd superetheric and 4th etheric = Electrons
The negative receptive energy of the three planes of the dense physical, the gaseous, the liquid and the truly dense = 5 gaseous, 6 liquid and 7 earth/solid = Ions.

Plasma is prior gaseous being that state of burning matter esoterically from “super gaseous” though the manifested effect of the fourth etheric state. It is highly magnetised and is subject to the direction of magnetised fields generated internally within the sun.

The energy of the sun travels as plasma fields throughout its solar system along magnetised plasma fields known as the solar wind. This is the breath of the logos manifesting via akasha or “vitalized matter, or substance animated by latent heat” and as electrical substance. JPC.

“Heating a gas may ionize its molecules or atoms (reducing or increasing the number of electrons in them), thus turning it into a plasma, which contains charged particles: positive ions and negative electrons or ions.”


“The negative and positive ions with which the scientist deals are etheric in nature and, therefore, of the physical plane. These unseen particles of substance which can only be traced through their effects and through interference with their activities, are rapidly moving particles in relation to each other and, at the same time, are themselves affected by a greater controlling factor which keeps them so moving.” Esoteric Healing 370.






“HPB…We are told that Mr. Keely defines electricity “as a certain form of
atomic vibration.” In this he is quite right; but this is electricity on
the terrestrial plane, and through terrestrial correlations. He
estimates —

Molecular vibrations at 100,000,000 per second.
Inter-molecular vibrations at 300,000,000 per second
Atomic vibrations at 900,000,000 per second
Inter-atomic vibrations at 2,700,000,000 per second
AEtheric vibrations at 8,100,000,000 per second
Inter-AEtheric vibrations at 24,300,000,000 per second

This proves our point. There are no vibrations that could be counted or even
estimated at an approximate rate beyond “the realm of the fourth son of
Fohat,” using an occult phraseology, or that motion which corresponds
to the formation of Mr. Crookes’ radiant matter, or lightly called some
years ago the “fourth state of matter” — on this our plane.” SD1 562.

JPC: For consideration.

HPB: “the proximate — the immediate — cause of such sensations” and vibrations. The etheric (or Astral) Force.
Electrical atomic vibration on the terrestrial plane. The vibratory envelope of all atoms.

The division, made by the Occultists, under other names.

7.[Atomic vibrations “The seventh beyond, which begins the same
enumeration, from the first to the last, on another and higher plane”]
6.[sixth sub-division or positive association with luminiferous ether.  Physical plane Light uses, as a medium. Fifth and sixth planes of the etheric (or Astral) Force].  Also, magnetic flow or magnetism.  Radiant matter will have resulted in a further elucidation with regard to the true source of light.
5.Inter-AEtheric vibrations at 24,300,000,000 per second. Sound functions through. [Fifth sub division. The inter-etheric Force alone, the fifth and sixth principles of Akasa]
4. AEtheric vibrations at 8,100,000,000 per second. Colour  allied to. [Fourth etheric sub division or state of matter “on this our plane”]
3.Inter-atomic vibrations at 2,700,000,000 per second [Third sub division]
2. Atomic vibrations at 900,000,000 per second [Second sub division]
1.Inter-molecular vibrations at 300,000,000 per second [First sub division] Molecular
separation of air.  The liberation of the pure ether from the crude
molecular. Odour/smell.
0.Molecular vibrations at 100,000,000 per second.

“Molecular separation of air *brings us* to the first sub-division only; inter-molecular, to the second; atomic, to the third; inter-atomic, to the fourth; etheric, to the fifth; and inter-etheric, to the sixth sub-division, or positive association with luminiferous ether.” SD 564.

“…downward from the pure etheric plane into the terrestrial.” SD1 561.

“when acting through the inter-etheric Force alone, the fifth and sixth principles of Akasa.” SD1 561.

“…the results obtained from the fifth and sixth planes of the etheric (or Astral) Force…” SD1 562.

“How true it is will be fully demonstrated only on that day when his discovery of radiant matter will have resulted in a further elucidation with regard to the true source of light, and revolutionized all the present speculations.” SD1 662.

“…beyond “the realm of the fourth son of Fohat,” using an occult phraseology, or that motion which corresponds to the formation of Mr. Crookes’ radiant matter, or lightly called some years ago the “fourth state of matter” — on this our plane.” SD1 562.

“Molecular separation of air brings us to the first sub-division only; inter-molecular, to the second; atomic, to the third; inter-atomic, to the fourth; etheric, to the fifth; and inter-etheric, to the sixth sub-division, or positive association with luminiferous ether.” SD 564.

“Quite so, since there is the seventh beyond, which begins the same enumeration, from the first to the last, on another and higher plane.” SD1 564. HPB.

“In my definition of atom I do not confine myself to the sixth sub-division where this luminiferous ether is developed in its crude form”. SD 564.

“I assume that sound, like odour, is a real substance of unknown and wonderful tenuity, emanating from a body where it has been induced by percussion and throwing out absolute corpuscles of matter, inter-atomic particles.” SD1 565.

“sound truly defined is the disturbance of atomic equilibrium, rupturing actual atomic corpuscles; and the substance thus liberated must certainly be a certain order of etheric flow.” SD1 565.

“infinitely tenuous as odour is, it holds a very crude relation to the substance of sub-division that governs a magnetic flow (a flow of sympathy, if you please to call it so). This sub-division comes next to sound, but is above sound.” SD1 565.

“physical depreciation leads, at its terminus, to the source of a much higher development — viz., the liberation of the pure ether from the crude molecular; which, in my estimation, is to be much desired.” — (From Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore’s paper, “The New Philosophy.”)

“All bodies are formed primitively from this highly tenuous ether, animal, vegetable, and mineral, and they are only returned to their high gaseous condition when brought under a state of differential equilibrium.” (From Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore’s paper, “The New Philosophy.”) SD1 565.

“It may be remarked that, save a few small divergencies, no Adept nor Alchemist could have explained the above any better, in the light of modern Science, however much the latter may protest against the novel views. This is, in all its fundamental principles, if not details, Occultism pure and simple, yet withal, modern natural philosophy as well.” SD 565.

“Not only “through space,” but filling every point of our solar system, for it is the physical residue, so to say, of Ether, its lining on our plane; Ether having to serve other cosmic and terrestrial purposes besides being the “agent” for transmitting light.” SD1 524.




Back to Earth


I offer the fuller excerpt on this the race to the atom bomb in those times. prior to the agreed withdrawal of the fifth ray and due to this, the minds of allied scientists were of course stimulated and of the axis scientists their demand to discover was diverted due to the lords of liberation and because of the spiritual demand of humanity in short. Then the fifth ray was withdrawn and we recall the Nazi prostitution of science had also developed great rocket and ballistic technology which western powers took and exploited for war and threat in atomic expansion against advise of hierarchy.

Proliferation of arms was massive and the ‘space race’ was a continuation of the race for the atom bomb in my opinion. Seperativness between the Soviet Union and the USA produced a race in atomic arms and race for space technology all built on prostituted science. It still is prostituted for money and military status with talk of ‘star wars’ and exclusive ownership of Mars or Moon resources. All the technology came from the German scientists taken back to USA or Russia.The cold war eventuated and Russia and USA still are at near fighting stance. The whole issue is that technology and capitalism did not increase with our matched spiritual advancement. He said exactly the opposite in my view. He tells us of the fifth ray scientists that have a ‘deleterious effect’ in mechanical science. This we can bear in mind from the beginning of the industrial age until today. JPC.”Our standard of civilized living is far too high from the standpoint of possessions and far too low from the angle of the spiritual values, or when subjected to an intelligent sense of proportion. Our modern civilization will not stand up to the acid test of value. A nation is today regarded as civilized when it sets a value on mental development, when it puts a premium on analysis and criticism and when all its resources are directed towards the satisfying of physical desire, towards the production of material things and towards the implementing of material purposes as well as towards dominating competitively in the world, towards the amassing of riches, the acquiring of property, the achievement of a high standard of material living and towards the cornering of the produce of the earth – largely for the benefit of certain groups of ambitious and wealthy men.” PH 38.Primary lotuses. These are a group of special interest brought in under the influence of the Lord of the fifth Ray, and therefore fundamentally allied to the energy which is the special manifestation in this system and the basis of all achievement, that is, manas. They were quiescent during the Atlantean root-race but have come in during the fourth and fifth subraces of this root-race. They are a group a good deal more advanced than the earlier classes but need much to develop the second petal. With them the first and the third petals in the first circle are opening, but the middle petal is yet shut. The middle tier also shows no signs of vitality. Owing to conditions in their emanating planet, their development has been one-sided, and hence their entering on a wave of energy into this scheme in order to “round” themselves out, as it is called. They may be seen in the purely intellectual selfish scientific type. They are responsible for much of the advanced application of mechanical science to the needs of men, and for the introduction of certain types of machinery; they work largely in connection with the energy of the mineral kingdom. By this it must be inferred that the solar Lords who embody this type are linked with a group of lunar Lords who respond magnetically to the devas of the mineral kingdom. Their work for the race has at present a deleterious effect, but when the second petal is opened, the wonders then to be achieved by them in loving service along their own particular line will be one of the factors which will regenerate the fourth kingdom. TCF 842….Both groups have been profoundly interested and implicated in this matter of the release of energy from the atom and the liberation of its inner aspect, but their motives and objectives were widely different.The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Section III – Forces behind the Evolutionary Process2. The imminence of this release – inevitable and under direction – produced an enormous tension in hierarchical circles because (to express the idea colloquially) a race was on between the Dark Forces and the Forces of Light to acquire possession of the techniques necessary to bring about this liberation of needed energy. Had the Dark Forces triumphed, and had the Axis Powers obtained possession of the needed scientific formulas, it would have led to a major planetary disaster. The released energy would have been used first of all to bring about the complete destruction of all opposing the forces of evil, and then it would have been prostituted to the preservation of an increasingly materialistic and non-idealistic civilization. Germany could not be trusted with this power, for all her motives were compelling wrong.You might here fall back on the trite religious platitude that the innate good in humanity and mankind’s inherent divinity would eventually have triumphed, because naught can finally overcome the universal trend to good. You are prone to forget that if the evil forces possess potencies which can destroy form in the three worlds on such a wide scale that the souls of advanced aspirants and disciples, and those of initiates seeking incarnation, cannot come into outer expression during a particular world crisis, then you have direfully affected the time-schedule of the evolutionary process; you will have greatly delayed (perhaps for millennia of years) the manifestation of the kingdom of God. The time had come for that manifestation, and hence the powerful activity of the dark forces.This attempt to hinder the planned progress constituted a definite menace and indicated a supreme danger and problem. The evil forces were closer to success than any of you have ever dreamed. They were so close to success in 1942 that there were four months when the members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite and unforeseen period of time; the plans for a closer contact with the evolutionary process in the three worlds and the effort to blend and fuse the two divine centers, the Hierarchy and Humanity, into one working, collaborating whole seemed doomed to destruction. Their fusion would have meant the appearance of the Kingdom of God on earth; the obstacles to this fusion, owing to the active tension of the dark forces, seemed at that time insuperable; we believed that man would go down to defeat, owing to his selfishness and his misuse of the principle of free will. We made all preparations to withdraw, and yet at the same time we struggled to get humanity to choose rightly and to see the issues clearly.The necessity to withdraw was averted. I may not say in what manner, beyond telling you that the Lords of Liberation took certain unexpected steps. This They were led to do owing to the invocative powers of humanity, used consciously by all those upon the side of the will-to-good and unconsciously by all men of goodwill. Owing to these steps, the efforts of those fighting in the realm of science for the establishing of true knowledge and right human relations were aided. The trend of the power to know and to discover (a definite form of energy) was deflected away from the demanding evocative minds of those seeking to destroy the world of men, leading to a form of mental paralysis. Those seeking to emphasize the right values and to save humanity were simultaneously stimulated to the point of success.In these very few words I have disposed of a stupendous world event, and in this brief paragraph I have summed up the working out of a specialized divine activity. EXT 493/4.Four factors lie behind the momentous happening of the release of this form of atomic energy, through the medium of what is erroneously and unscientifically called the “splitting of the atom.” There are other factors, but you may find the following four of real interest:
* There was a clearly directed inflow of extra-planetary energy released by the Lords of Liberation, to Whom invocation had been successfully made; through the impact of this energy upon the atomic substance being dealt with by the investigating scientists, changes were brought about which enabled them to achieve success. The experiments being carried forward were therefore both subjective and objective.
* A concerted effort was made by a number of disciples who were working in fifth and seventh ray ashrams, and this enabled them to impress lesser disciples in the scientific field and helped them to surmount the well-nigh insuperable difficulties with which they were confronted.
* There was also a weakening of the tension which had hitherto successfully held the forces of evil together, and a growing inability of the evil group at the head of the Axis Powers to surmount the incidental war fatigue. This brought about, first of all, a steady deterioration of their minds, and then of their brains and nervous systems. None of the men involved in the direction of the Axis effort in Europe is today normal psychologically; they are all suffering from some form of physical deterioration, and this has been a real factor in their defeat, though one that may be difficult for you to realize. It is not so in the case of the Japanese, whose psychological makeup is totally [496] different, as are their nervous systems, which are of fourth root-race quality. They will be and are being defeated by physical war measures and by the destruction physically of their war potential and the death of the form aspect. This destruction… and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population. The first use of this released energy has been destructive, but I would remind you that it has been the destruction of forms and not the destruction of spiritual values and the death of the human spirit – as was the goal of the Axis effort. EXT 495.

“There is one aspect of energy for which the modern astrologer makes very little allowance, and yet it is of paramount importance. This is the energy which emanates from or radiates from the Earth itself. Living as all human beings do upon the surface of the Earth and being, therefore, projected into the etheric body of the planet (for the reason that “man stands erect”) man’s body is at all times bathed in the emanations and the radiations of our Earth and in the integral quality of our planetary Logos as He sends forth and transmits energy within His planetary environment. Astrologers have always emphasized the incoming influences and energies as they beat upon and play through our little planet, but they have omitted to take into adequate consideration the emanating qualities and forces which are the contribution of our Earth’s etheric body to the larger whole. This we will consider later, but I felt the necessity of calling your attention to it at this time.” EA 12/3.

JC: When the earth’s gravitational and etheric field is left behind [“man’s body is at all times bathed in the emanations and the radiations of our Earth”] there are obvious health issues experienced by astronauts. This indicates that space travel is not beneficial to humanity and is a remnant as previously indicated of the withdrawn fifth ray and the discoveries by American and Russian scientists having raided and taken the early rocket technology back to their respective countries at the close of WW2.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Astronauts can become as weak as 80-year-olds after six months at the International Space Station, according to a new study that raises serious health concerns as NASA contemplates prolonged trips to asteroids and Mars. Marquette University biologist Robert Fitts, who led the study, stresses that the accelerated space aging is temporary: Astronauts’ muscles recover after a few months back on Earth.

The bone mass loss is approximately 1 – 1 ½% per month, so is negligible on short-duration flights. In addition, the loss of bone density is reversible to some extent once the person is back on the Earth. However, since the levels are generally not restored to their pre-flight levels, this could preclude an astronaut from returning to space for a long-duration mission. For example, a number of cosmonauts who have spent extended periods in space have begun to show signs of osteoporosis (7). It is estimated that during a two to three year mission, the time necessary to reach Mars, the crew members could lose 20% or more of their bone mass (8). In addition, recent studies point to the possibility of tooth loss as well. While the bone density could be built up again upon return to Earth, the tooth loss is permanent.
Current methods of prevention include doses of vitamins D and K, various pharmaceutical agents, exposure to UV light and resistive exercises.
Immune System Changes
Evidence has shown that the immune system is most likely weakened to some extent for a number reasons. First of all, the rapid loss of plasma volume and red blood mass during the redistribution of bodily fluids due to microgravity can lead to a reduction in the red blood cell count. Wounds take longer to heal, and people can be more susceptible to illnesses and infections, including the activation of viruses already present in their bodies. The weakening of the immune system can also be associated with lack of sleep, stress, isolation, and exposure to space radiation. Because astronauts must live and work closely together in small quarters, the likelihood of disease or infection spreading throughout the crew is increased in view of their weakened immune systems.
Prevention methods can be straightforward, and sound similar to those that we undertake here on Earth: get plenty of rest, eat well and exercise regularly. Drugs can be administered to restore immunity, and special monitoring systems or “bacterial probes” can be spread throughout the spacecraft to monitor the purity of the air and water.
There are two primary sources of radiation that astronauts can be exposed to. The first form of radiation is cosmic rays, energetic particles that originate outside our galaxy. Basically they are atomic nuclei that have been accelerated to speeds up to 80% of the speed of light. The second form of radiation consisists of energetic particles emitted by the Sun, particularly during solar flares. Low levels of radiation do not pose a significant risk. But the effects of radiation are cumulative, so exposure becomes increasingly dangerous as the length of the stay increases. Therefore, the risks due to radiation increase arithmetically on long-duration flights. In addition, crew membersof long-duration interplanetary missions that travel through the Van Allen radiation belts around the Earth will be exposed to a higher level of radiation than those remaining in Earth orbit, such as Shuttle or International Space Station astronauts.
Some of the effects of space radiation seem more interesting than hazardous. For example, the Apollo astronauts in transit to the Moon described seeing unidentified flashes of light. Even the Mir astronauts noticed this, particularly when Mir passed through the “South Atlantic Anomaly.” It is thought that this phenomenon is caused by the high-energy particles striking the retina, sending false signals to the brain that light-flashes occurred.
Most effects of radiation are dangerous, and can be responsible for the malfunction and death of bone, blood and other cells. Cataracts can form in the eyes, and both benign and malignant tumors can form throughout the body. Genetic code alteration can occur, causing infertility and sterility, or birth defects and still births. Lymph tissue and bone marrow are particularly sensitive to radiation. http://www.astrophys-assist.com/educate/spaceflight/spaceflight.htm
”Surface radiation or emanation – Planetary prana.” EA 655.

3. That emanation of the planet which we might term Planetary Prana. It is that which is referred to when one speaks of the health-giving qualities of Mother Nature, and which is back of the cry of the modern physician, when he wisely says “Back to the Earth.” It is the fluidic emanation of this prana which acts upon the physical body, though in this case not via the etheric body. It is absorbed through the skin purely and the pores are its line of least resistance. TCF 61.

The moon is a dead form; it has no emanation at all. EA 13.

8. The Law of Gravitation. This law is for the non-occult student the most puzzling and confusing of all the laws. It shows itself in one aspect as the power, and the stronger urge that a more vital life may have upon the lesser, such as the power of the spirit of the Earth (the planetary Entity, not the planetary Logos) to hold all physical forms to itself and prevent their “scattering.” This is due to the heavier vibration, the greater accumulative force, and the aggregated tamasic lives of the body of the planetary Entity. This force works upon the negative, or lowest, aspect of all physical forms. TCF 1172.

Back to Earth – Return to Me



Disease and death are the result of two active forces. One is the will of the soul which says to its instrument: I draw the essence back. The other is the magnetic power of the planetary Life which says to the life within the atomic structure: The hour of reabsorption has arrived. Return to me. Thus, under cyclic law, do all forms act.
JPC: It is the magnetic power of the ‘planetary life’ or “etheric substance (of which the planetary body is formed)” that recalls that which it has lent of itself, the matter and atoms that built the physical sheath. We note the word ‘reabsorption’ with the ‘return to me’ that which was lent, and as such, earth to earth, ashes to ashes and dust to dust. It relates to the ageing process, the “death-producing energy” and the gradual deterioration of the cellular renewal and vitality. The destructive effect of the death process is an ongoing one within the disciple and early initiate and of course within any human being or animal etc.

The reference here is to the normal dissolution of the form at the close of a cycle of reincarnation. As we well know, this cycle is determined in the case of man by major psychological factors which can hasten or prolong the “hour of the end,” but only up to a certain point. The dictum of the soul and the fiat of the planetary Life are the final determining factors, except in the cases of war, accident, suicide or epidemics.

JPC: Such dissolution and drawing back, ‘back to earth’, of its atomic life is a karmic and cyclic law and a final determining factor in nature, generally. It is the psychological factor that determines the length of the ‘final hour’ protracted or hastened to a degree of soul Will of the in-dweller and its winding up of service duties. We note the term the “fiat of the planetary Life” and its lawful and natural duty to proceed with its cycle or re-absorption.

The power of absorption with which the planet is endowed is very great within certain limitations; it is these limitations, [249] for instance, which promote epidemics as the aftermath of war. Such epidemics have a serious effect upon the human race after the war cycle is over and after the consequent epidemic has spent itself. Humanity, particularly in Eastern Europe, had not completely recovered from the epidemics, incident to the first part of the world war, when the second part took place. The psychological effects continue; the scars and the results of the second phase of that world war will persist for fifty years, even though – owing to man’s greater scientific knowledge – the epidemic factor may be kept surprisingly within bounds. This, however, still remains uncertain. Time alone will demonstrate how successful humanity is in offsetting the penalties which outraged nature is apt to exact. Esoteric Healing.

JPC: A planet is endowed with this ‘power of absorption’ and though the physical death process “the pull of the powerful life of the planet” and the gradual ageing and “tendency to die” proceeds. This power is within certain limitations that which promotes ‘epidemics’ and brings widespread death to huge populations over the planet. Epidemics bring ‘serious’ consequences for humanity during and after its spread of disease.

Human scientific knowledge of medicine and hygiene assist in its containment yet the offsetting of the “penalties” of war and of human interference with that natural cycle of the planetary life’s law of reabsorbtion of the essence of the human physical vehicle is largely in-determinant. This is due to “outraged nature” governing and exacting its returns in ‘aftermath’ due to mankind breaking its law of the natural process of death and the natural dissolution of physical atoms.

Humanity are though able to ‘offset’ such penalties through their own ‘scientific knowledge’ and medical ability. Its is here notable that humanity are able to offset in a constructive manner when they have been responsible for destruction. Humanity pays the price indiscriminately and those that may appear to be innocent of wrong actions are part of the group karmic being called humanity. War started due to group selfishness and DK reminds us that no one is innocent of that.

A thought comes to mind that during the world wars the great influenza attacked the healthy and strong from the onset of war. It is noted that influenza is the result of fear and worry and is an emotional disease. We might ponder that in this case of the great war, fear and worry largely was found within the healthy and strong as it built up pending the outbreak of the great offensive according to records it struck in 1918. An observation of who is afflicted by the flu, young or old, healthy and prime or an in-discriminant mix will indicate the hot spots of worry and fear, who is suffering it and perhaps why, or at least an intuitive appreciation. Astral conditions of fear and worry are infectious according to DK and these astral effects create virus that has physical effects.

Viruses and bacteria are of astral origin and “indigenous in the planet itself” and are “inherited from old Atlantis” hence the astral connection. HPB said in her collected writings that “Most of the deaths from influenza occur in consequence of lung-paralysis” and this is indicative of what DK mentions…

“They are so highly infectious from the astral point of view that they lower in a peculiar manner the astral atmosphere, and thus make it hard for people – in the astral sense – to breathe freely.” More will be considered at a later date.

“in the fourth dreadful year of the war, as the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) assumed fighting strength and prepared their first great offensive against the Germans, the flu struck.”








In Consideration of the ‘4’


Over a real cycle it may work out to nearer 44 years for the magnetic polarity shift but 40-44 years is notable as it includes 4×11 year breath cycles. 10 years for each out-breath and 1 year for an in-breath.

This is an extraordinary rapid shift of the “zonal magnetic field bands” and one we might ponder.

250,000 years correspond to one year in the life of Sol approximating 6250 heartbeats per solar year.

250,000/40= 6250, 6250X100= 625000= 6+2+5= 13= 1+3= 4.

11 year breath cycles x4= 40-44 year magnetic shifts.

We can see a numerical reduction and correspondence to 4 and this is of some interest for us if we consider sol in the fourth order. The fourth ray is a major controlling factor in earth and sol evolution. Our solar system is indeed according to DK the fourth solar system, second major, of the seven solar systems of which compose the OAWNMBS.

Thus our solar system could be considered the heart centre of the OAWNMBS with the numeral 4 being of note along with this solar system being fourth “in the series” of seven solar systems and also reflected in the solar heartbeat, the “contraction of the Solar HEART” over ten years with one year for the “fourth solar cavity” to refill for our logos and his systemic theoretical fourth ray personality dominating the note of the physical heart rhythm.

Lets note again, there are four contractions of the Solar HEART to each forty year magnetic field shift or re polarisation and adjustment of energy fields due to the electrical impulse or conditioning coming from Sirius.

There is of course a direct correspondence to the fourth heart valve the Aortic governing the life blood of the Sun or man’s system into its system via the aortic artery. The pranic vitality [life] comes from the cosmic mental plane via the central spiritual sun to this system of love-wisdom and of astral/buddhic development, and via the “the fourth solar cavity” focussed within the solar heart and governing the rhythmic beat and out-breath of vitality. Our fourth order sun aiming to touch the fourth plane of cosmic buddhi functions as the cosmic fourth heart valve breathing the pranic fourth son of fohat into his system, our system and fourth planet/globe.

So conditioning and impressing is “the four” or quaternary that most human units on earth are impulsed to tread the fourth path or Way to Sirius and are truly ‘human units of the fourth order’ and sons of the sacred four due to the fact “the fourth Path includes the larger number of the sons of men”. This also at this time due to our solar system being of the fourth order and composing of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th cosmic ethers. Regarding all as interacting energies we might see how as they change our paths might change generally but not exclusively.

The greater number of humanity are on the mystical path due to the manasic step down of cosmic vitality and thus it is required that “the mystic must go and become what is called “a spark of mahatic electricity” and thus as DK indicates go to Sirius for such a manasic stimulation that the mystic becomes the occultist proper and a Master of the Wisdom if not already sensitive enough to cosmic manasic vitality or electrical mahatic electricity and to that Sirian star of sensitivity. Hypothetically considered. JPC. 09/04/2013

“The seven solar systems, of which our solar system is one, and in their turn the seven energy centers of the One to Whom I have referred in my other books as the One About Whom Naught Can Be Said.” EA 12.

“The fourth ray of conflict (conflict with a view to eventual harmony) is at present not one of the manifesting rays, yet – in the light of the larger cycle – this ray is a major controlling factor in our earth evolution and in the evolution of our solar system, which is one of the fourth order. The realization of this may indicate why our little planet, the Earth, is of such apparent importance in the solar system. It is not simply because we choose to think so and thus feed our own arrogance, but it is so primarily because the fourth ray of conflict and this first law are – in time and space – dominating factors in the fourth kingdom in nature, the human kingdom. Our planet, the fourth in the series of divine expression with which we are associated, has a peculiar relation to the position of our solar system in the series of solar systems which constitute the body of expression for The One About Whom Naught May Be Said.” EP1 92.

“the fact that our solar system is a system of the fourth order. This group of Lives is manipulated and controlled, in the macrocosmic sense, from cosmic mental levels via the central spiritual sun, and through what is called in esoteric parlance “the fourth solar cavity.” If students will meditate upon the nature of the human heart and its various divisions, and particularly upon one of the valves, light upon this complex problem may be forthcoming.” TCF 1098.

“The fourth ray is the ray par excellence which governs humanity. There is a numerical relation to be noted here, for the fourth creative Hierarchy of human monads, the fourth ray, in this fourth round, on the fourth globe, the Earth, are extremely active.” EP1 320.

“These units of the fourth kingdom, the bulk of the fourth Creative Hierarchy on this fourth globe of the fourth scheme in a solar system of the fourth order are innately compelled to seek this fourth WAY in order to perfect themselves. They are called the “blissful dancing points of fanatical devotion.” This is as near as we can get to the true description. They have also been described as the “revolving wheels which turn upon themselves, and find the open door to perfect bliss.”

The energy of Path IV reaches us from Sirius via the Sun. This must be understood as a blind behind which one of the signs of the zodiac veils itself.” TCF 1259.

These very important facts merit close attention, and the consideration of all occult students. They hold the key whereby some comprehension of manas and of planetary evolution may come about. What have we, therefore, in this special cyclic alignment? [363]

1. A solar system of the fourth order.
2. The fourth scheme in the system.
3. The fourth chain in the scheme.
4. The fourth globe in the chain.
5. The fourth round. 34

All these are found active within the same cycle, and all therefore bring about a simultaneous alignment which results in the clearing of a channel direct from the heart of our scheme through every ring-pass-not to the cosmic correspondence, found outside the solar sphere.
34 Compare also the following correspondences:

* The sacred Tetraktys – The manifested Logos.
* The Fourth Creative Hierarchy – The Human.
* The Fourth Principle – Lower Mind.
* The Fourth Race – Kama-manas.
* The Fourth Element – Water, S. D., I, 95. I, 640.
* The Four Truths – S. D., I, 70.
* The Four Propositions – S. D., I, 107.
* The Four Initiations – S. D., I, 227.
* The Fourth Plane – Buddhi, fourth cosmic ether.
* The Fourth physical subplane – The Fourth Ether.
* The Fourth Round – The Present. TCF 363.

Our solar system is disclosed as being:
* A system of the fourth order, having its force centers upon the fourth cosmic plane, and making its objective manifestation from the fourth systemic plane, via the fourth subplane of the systemic physical plane.
* Blue in color, esoteric orange and green.
* A system which is occultly known to the Adept as “in an airy sign in which the Bird can fly.”
* A system formed of “three fires which form a fourth.”
* A system in which the Bird has “four tail feathers” and hence can occultly “mount to a higher plane and find its fifth.”
* A system which has four major cycles, and minor periods of manifestation which are multiples of that figure.
* A system which in the alchemical phraseology of the Masters is viewed as being “a product of the fourth; the fourth itself in process of transmutation; and the living stone with four shells.” All this can be seen at one glance by the Master who has the ideographic word before Him. TCF 1087.

“Our solar Logos, being a Logos of the fourth order, will begin to coordinate His cosmic buddhic body, and as He develops cosmic mind He will gradually achieve, by the aid of that mind, the ability to touch the cosmic buddhic plane.” TCF 115.

“From the cosmic point of view, as we know, our sun is but of the fourth order, and on the lowest cosmic plane. When the Son has, through the Sun, attained full expression (that is, perfected His display of light and heat) then He will shine forth upon another plane, that of the cosmic mental… of the fourth order; he is the quaternary.” TCF 230.

“Our solar system is what is called a system of the fourth order; that is, it has its location on the fourth cosmic etheric plane, counting, as always, from above downwards.” TCF 119.



Seven Radiating Rays


Lets consider the seven ray types refer to a color, a metal, a plane, a planet, an atom, a Rishi, a root race and sub race, a planetary chain and so on etc, so why then should we think an individual would not be born under a ray type including being “guided and influenced thereby”? Lets take a brief look in some theosophical extracts that substand the teachings of AAB.

Take for instance this quotation from SD1 120… “This “World of Truth” can be described only in the words of the Commentary as “A bright star dropped from the heart of Eternity; the beacon of hope on whose Seven Rays hang the Seven Worlds of Being.” Truly so; since those are the Seven Lights whose reflections are the human immortal Monads — the Atma, or the irradiating Spirit of every creature of the human family.”

Every creature of the human family has then an irradiating spirit the human monad that is conditioned by the seven rays. HPB certainly indicates that these rays have application in “a distinct state of consciousness, for occult purposes” and have “psychic and spiritual effects”. This again gives preliminary indication of their governing of the human psych and spiritual evolution.

“The names of the Seven Rays — which are, Sushumna, Harikesa, Viswakarman, Viswatryarchas, Sannaddha, Sarvavasu and Swaraj — are all mystical, and each has its distinct application in a distinct state of consciousness, for occult purposes… As psychic and spiritual effects, they emanate from, and have their origin in, the supra-solar Upadhi, in the ether of the Occultist — or Akasa.” SD1 515.

HPB in vol2 92 of the secret doctrine asks “Why do the seven nervous plexuses of the body radiate seven rays?” This is a reference to the seven chakras conditioned by the seven rays as they radiate in this instance from the seven nervous plexuses. The human etheric body having seven chakras of energy are each governed by these rays and build thereon the human dense physical frame or vehicle.

An adept comes under the influence of a ray type as does and ashram as does each of the seven planetary initiations also. Without the counting for the seven rays how does astrology work or operate as indeed it does due to the seven psychological rays that condition the human being in one or other of their combinations as HPB indicates also the seven planets and the twelve houses that operate.

The seven rays account for all manifestation including human individuals and their ray composition of soul, mental, emotional, etheric and physical. There is much for investigation by the various writers on these matters including Alice Bailey. JPC.

“There are seven chief groups of such Dhyan Chohans, which groups will be found and recognised in every religion, for they are the primeval seven Rays. Humanity, occultism teaches us, is divided into seven distinct groups and their sub-divisions, mental, spiritual, and physical.*

* Hence the seven chief planets, the spheres of the indwelling
seven spirits, under each of which is born one of the human groups which is guided and influenced thereby. There are only seven planets (specially connected with earth), and twelve houses, but the possible combinations of their aspects are countless. As each planet can stand to each of the others in twelve different aspects, their combinations must, therefore, be almost infinite; as infinite, in fact, as the spiritual, psychic, mental, and physical capacities in the numberless varieties of the genus homo, each of which varieties is born under one of the seven planets and one of the said countless planetary combinations.” See Theosophist, for August, 1886. SD 573.

Also… this from SD1 574… Mr. T. Subba Row wrote: “. . . that such communion is only possible between persons whose souls derive their life and sustenance from the same divine RAY, and that, as seven distinct rays radiate from the ‘Central Spiritual Sun,’ all adepts and Dhyan Chohans are divisible into seven classes, each of which is guided, controlled, and overshadowed by one of the seven forms or manifestations of the divine Wisdom.” (“Theosophist,” Aug., 1886.)

So we can also see the possibility of communion or affinity between persons of the same rays and also how they and adepts are guided, controlled and overshadowed by one of the seven rays breaths. JPC.



The Antahkarana


“One of the points which it is essential that students should grasp is the deeply esoteric fact that this antahkarana is built through the medium of a conscious effort within consciousness itself, and not just by attempting to be good, or to express goodwill, or to demonstrate the qualities of unselfishness and high aspiration. Many esotericists seem to regard the treading of the Path as the conscious effort to overcome the lower nature and to express life in terms of right living and thinking, love and intelligent understanding. It is all that, but it is something far more. Good character and good spiritual aspiration are basic essentials. But these are taken for granted by the Master Who has a disciple under training; their foundation and their recognition and development are the objectives upon the Path of Probation.

But to build the antahkarana is to relate the three divine aspects. This involves intense mental activity; it necessitates the power to imagine and to visualize, plus a dramatic attempt to build the Lighted Way in mental substance. This mental substance is – as we have seen – of three qualities or natures, and the bridge of living light is a composite creation, having in it:

1. Force, focused and projected from the fused and blended forces of the personality.
2. Energy, drawn from the egoic body by, a conscious effort.
3. Energy, abstracted from the Spiritual Triad.

It is essentially, however, an activity of the integrated and dedicated personality. Esotericists must not take the position that all they have to do is to await negatively some activity by the soul which will automatically take place after a certain measure of soul contact has been achieved, and that consequently and in time this activity will evoke response both from the personality and the Triad. This is not the case. The work of the building of the antahkarana is primarily an activity of the personality, aided by the soul; this in time evokes a reaction from the Triad. There is far too much inertia demonstrated by aspirants at this time.” Rays and the Initiations 468.



Ether and Plasma


“Only when scientists are prepared to admit the fact that there is a body of vitality which acts as a focal point in every organized form, and only when they are willing to consider each element and form of every degree as constituting part of a still greater vital body, will the true methods of the great goddess Nature become their methods. To do this they must be prepared to accept the sevenfold differentiation of the physical plane as stated by Eastern occultism, to recognize the triple nature of the septenary manifestation.
* The atomic or Shiva energy, the energy of the first subplane or the first etheric plane.
* The vital form building energy of the three ensuing etheric levels.
* The negative receptive energy of the three planes of the dense physical, the gaseous, the liquid and the truly dense.
They will also eventually consider the interplay between the lower three and the higher four in that great atom called the physical plane. This can be seen duplicated in the atom of the physicist or chemist. Scientific students who are interested in these matters will find it worth while to consider the correspondence between these three types of energy, and that which is understood by the words, atoms, electrons, and ions.All that manifests (from God to man) is the result of these three types of energy or force, of their combination, their interplay, and their psychic action and reaction. During the great cycle of logoic appearance it is the second type of energy which dominates and which is of evolutionary importance, and this is why the etheric body which lies back of all that is visible is the most important. This is equally true of gods, of men and of atoms.” TCF 918.
The seven etheric planes are given by AAB as, 1st atomic, 2nd subatomic, 3rd superetheric and 4th ether. Then 5 gaseous, 6 liquid and 7 earth/solid.
These are the “states of matter” with ether being the theosophical “fourth state of matter”.Atomic or Shiva energy, the energy of the first subplane or the first etheric plane = 1st atomic = Atoms
The vital form building energy of the three ensuing etheric levels = 2nd subatomic, 3rd superetheric and 4th etheric = Electrons
The negative receptive energy of the three planes of the dense physical, the gaseous, the liquid and the truly dense = 5 gaseous, 6 liquid and 7 earth/solid = Ions. JPC.”Heating a gas may ionize its molecules or atoms (reducing or increasing the number of electrons in them), thus turning it into a plasma, which contains charged particles: positive ions and negative electrons or ions.”
The negative and positive ions with which the scientist deals are etheric in nature and, therefore, of the physical plane. These unseen particles of substance which can only be traced through their effects and through interference with their activities, are rapidly moving particles in relation to each other and, at the same time, are themselves affected by a greater controlling factor which keeps them so moving.” Esoteric Healing 370.

The Central Sun

JPC: The central inner sun is as DK describes a sea of fire or heat and not a sea of flame. This is understood by science as being the inner radioactive core generating energy by nuclear fusion resulting in “fiercest incandecence” originating from the central spiritual and heart of the sun. Plasma is pre gaseous and post etheric being that state of burning matter esoterically from “super gaseous” though the manifested effect of the fourth etheric state. It is highly magnetised and is subject to the direction of magnetised fields generated internally within the sun. The energy of the sun travels as plasma fields throughout its solar system along magnetised plasma fields known as the solar wind. This is the breath of the logos manifesting via akasha or “vitalized matter, or substance animated by latent heat” and as electrical substance.

This electrical substance appears as one of the three aspects logoic as DK tells us and as our solar logos is a second ray lord the electrical vitality he radiates into his system will be of the second ray quality and of the second aspect. It is a similar internal incandescent fire and latent heat that makes life on this planet possible and DK states it is only this that makes life here possible at all. Without it there would be no life as in the case of the moon. Therefore we shine as a globe.

“The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is almost perfectly spherical and consists of hot plasma interwoven with magnetic fields.”
“In the inner portions of the Sun, nuclear fusion has modified the composition by converting hydrogen into helium, so the innermost portion of the Sun is now roughly 60% helium, with the metal abundance unchanged. Because the interior of the Sun is radiative, not convective (see Radiative zone above), none of the fusion products from the core have risen to the photosphere.” wikipedia.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire – Section One – Division A – The Internal Fires of the Sheaths

a. The Sun. Within the sun, right at its very heart, is a sea of fire or heat, but not a sea of flame. Herein may lie a distinction that perhaps will convey no meaning to some. It is the center of the sphere, and the point of fiercest internal burning, but has little relation to the flames or burning gases (whatever terms you care [59] to use) that are generally understood to exist whenever the sun is considered. It is the point of fiercest incandescence, and the objective sphere of fire is but the manifestation of that internal combustion. This central heat radiates its warmth to all parts of the system by means of a triple channel, or through its “Rays of Approach” which in their totality express to us the idea of “the heat of the sun.”

1. The akasha, itself vitalized matter, or substance animated by latent heat.
2. Electricity, substance of one polarity, and energized by one of the three aspects logoic. To express it more occultly, substance showing forth, the quality of the cosmic Lord Whose energy it is.
3. Light Rays of pranic aspect, some of which are being now recognized by the modern scientist. They are but aspects of the latent heat of the sun as it approaches the Earth by a particular line of least resistance.

When the term “channel or ray of approach” is used, it means approach from the center of solar radiation to the periphery. What is encountered during that approach – such as planetary bodies, for instance – will be affected by the akashic current, the electrical current, or the pranic current in some way, but all of these currents are only the internal fires of the system when viewed from some other point in universal, though not solar, space. It is, therefore, obvious that this matter of fire is as complex as that of the rays. The internal fires of the solar system become external and radiatory when considered from the standpoint of a planet, while the internal fires of the planet will affect a human being as radiation in exactly the same way as the pranic emanations of his etheric body affect another physical body as radiatory. The point to be grasped in all these [60] aspects is that one and all have to do with matter or substance, and not with mind or Spirit.

b. The Planet. Deep in the heart of the planet – such a planet as the Earth, for instance – are the internal fires that occupy the central sphere, or the caverns which – filled with incandescent burning – make life upon the globe possible at all. The internal fires of the moon are practically burnt out, and, therefore, she does not shine save through reflection, having no inner fire to blend and merge with light external. These inner fires of the earth can be seen functioning, as in the sun, through three main channels:

1. Productive substance, or the matter of the planet vitalized by heat. This heat and matter together act as the mother of all that germinates, and as the protector of all that dwells therein and thereon. This corresponds to the akasha, the active vitalized matter of the solar system, that nourishes all as does a mother.
2. Electrical fluid, a fluid which is latent in the planet though as yet but little recognized. It is perhaps better expressed by the term “animal magnetism.” It is the distinctive quality of the atmosphere of a planet, or its electrical ring-pass-not. It is the opposite pole to the solar electrical fluid, and the contact of the two and their correct manipulation is the aim – perhaps unrealized – of all scientific endeavor at this time.
3. That emanation of the planet which we might term Planetary Prana. It is that which is referred to when one speaks of the health-giving qualities of Mother Nature, and which is back of the cry of the modern physician, when he wisely says “Back to the Earth.” It is the fluidic emanation of this prana which acts upon the physical body, though in this case not via the etheric body. It is [61] absorbed through the skin purely and the pores are its line of least resistance. TCF.


The Tendency to Vital [Incredible] Speed


“The magnetic pull of that which is desired is modified on our planet by the personality ray of our particular planetary Logos. This is the Ray of Active Intelligence, and of selective Adaptability. Just as every cell and atom in the human body is modified and conditioned by the egoic ray and the ray of each of the inner bodies, so every cell and atom in the body of the planetary Logos is conditioned and modified by His outstanding ray influence, in this case, His personality ray. In this conditioning influence is found a clue to the distress and agony and pain in the world today. The planetary Logos of our Earth is primarily conditioned by a cosmic ray, to be sure, but not by His egoic ray. Perhaps in this condition may be found the reason (or one of the reasons) why our Earth is not one of the seven sacred planets. On this I need not enlarge, but it was necessary to call attention to this great determining factor, the third ray, which is the personality ray of our planetary Logos.

This ray brings in the factor of discrimination through mental activity, and this, in its turn, balances the so-called love nature, and it is in truth the cause of our evolutionary growth. The life in forms passes through discriminative and selective activity from one experience to another in an ever widening scale of contacts. It is this Ray of Intelligent Activity which dominates man at this time. Human beings are largely centered in their personalities; they are “egocentric,” in the terminology of the psychologist, which recognizes the integrating principle of the ego (in many cases) but does not yet recognize the over-shadowing ego or soul, except under such a vague term as “the superconscious.” We have therefore a humanity engrossed by a tremendous activity and demonstrating everywhere a vital discriminating and intellectual interest in all types of phenomena. This tendency to be active will go on increasing and intensifying until the Aryan race will merge into the coming major root-race, for which we have as yet no name, though we recognize that in that race the intellect will serve the intuition. Human activity is now regarded as having reached an incredible speed and intensity of vibration, yet from the angle of the world Knowers it is only just beginning to express itself, and is relatively feeble as yet. The growth of the tendency to vital speed can be noted if history is studied, and the pace at which man now lives, and the complexity and the many dynamic interests of his life, may be compared with those of the average man two hundred years ago. The last twenty-five years of man’s history have shown a tremendous speeding up as compared with conditions fifty years ago.

The reason for this increase of intelligent activity and rapidity of response and contact is to be found in the subjective fact that humanity is with great speed integrating the three aspects of human nature into a unity, called personality. Men are steadily becoming personalities, and unifying into one expression their physical, emotional and mental aspects; hence they are more able to respond to the ray of the integrated personality of the One in Whom they live, and move, and have their being.” EP1 338/9.




Stanza III


“Fohat hardens the atoms“; i.e., by infusing energy into them: he scatters the atoms or primordial matter. “He scatters himself while scattering matter into atoms” (MSS. Commentaries.)

“Fohat hardens and scatters the seven brothers” (Book III. Dzyan); which means that the primordial Electric Entity — for the Eastern Occultists insist that Electricity is an Entity — electrifies into life, and separates primordial stuff or pregenetic matter into atoms, themselves the source of all life and consciousness. “There exists an universal agent unique of all forms and of life, that is called Od,** Ob, and Aour, active and passive, positive and negative, like day and night: it is the first light in Creation” SD1 76.


It is through Fohat that the ideas of the Universal Mind are impressed upon matter.” SD1 30. HPB.


Stanza XI.

The matter of Fohat circulateth, and its firehardeneth all the forms. The wheel that is not glimpsed moveth in rapid revolution within the slower outer case, till it weareth out the form… The many circulate. The forms are built, become too firm, are broken by the life, and circulate again. TCF 31.

Fohathardens and scatters the seven brothers” SD1 76.

Degree of ionization
 For plasma to exist, ionization is necessary. The term “plasma density” by itself usually refers to the “electron density”, that is, the number of free electrons per unit volume. The degree of ionization of a plasma is the proportion of atoms that have lost or gained electrons, and is controlled mostly by the temperature. Even a partially ionized gas in which as little as 1% of the particles are ionized can have the characteristics of a plasma (i.e., response to magnetic fields and high electrical conductivity). The degree of ionization, α, is defined as α = ni/(ni + na) where ni is the number density of ions and na is the number density of neutral atoms. The electron density is related to this by the average charge state <Z> of the ions through ne = <Z> ni where ne is the number density of electrons.

JPC: We must note how fohat/plasma hardens atoms infusing ‘pregenetic matter into atoms’. We are speaking of the material plasma or fohat of the fourth state of matter occultly understood. The higher states of fohat and plasma are that which carries the life and brahma aspect from the higher planes. Fohat/plasma is both electrically active and passive, positive and negative yet the bearer of all energising life.

We should also note that when considering the life infusion that energises atoms with life and pre genetic matter this for our purposes only comes from the higher states of fohat/plasma and not from the lower such as planetary electricity or such. What then is pre genetic matter. We are considering that state of fohat/matter which is prior to that which makes up the genetic make-up of the material and conscious lives we call the atoms of matter that constructs our physical bodies.

These tiny devic elemental lives construct our physical/animal bodies of which we are in process of redemption. Science calls such genetic material DNA/RNA genes and the DNA double-helix strand/spiral and the caduceus double spiral are perfectly matched. These genes carry our genetic code and are as such the elemental builders encoded or carrying their own material purpose for physical construction. They are genetic and generative and in their entire group formation hold the complete active genome or code sequence of an organism or human being. The thrill of life that sweeps them into activity is pregenetic as the Secret Doctrine explains.

This thrill of life is said to ‘harden’ such atoms which become densified i.e. materialised in time and space and we might ponder what this can mean. Only as the higher fohat infuses atoms with its higher matter are genetic molecules gifted with their code and purpose in life in order to construct. When this is so the more rarefied pre genetic state hardens or solidifies through the pre genetic state of matter into the genetic and generative state allowing for the solidification or hardening of atoms into forms via electrical fohat, the seven brothers, the Dhyani-Chohanic Intelligences.

The code and purpose of the builders in their elemental form condition the molecules, the atoms and the cells of the material sheath. Such genetic code [relationship between a nucleotide sequence and the amino acid sequence] carries the information that constructs via proteins the type of form and the hereditary traits that will further modify and condition the biological organism under the law of karma and the soul as a minor lord of karma.

The word genetics is from the Ancient Greek γενετικός genetikos meaning “genitive”/”generative”, in turn from γένεσις genesis meaning “origin”) wikipedia.

The genetic material of a cell can be a gene, a part of a gene, a group of genes, a DNA molecule, a fragment of DNA, a group of DNA molecules, or the entire genome of an organism.

“Mongols say hada for “a rock,” hat’ago, for the adjective “hard,” hat’aho for the neuter verb “to harden,” and hadaho, “to make fast” (by hammering), hat’agaho, “to dry,” “to harden,” in causative or transitive sense.” China’s place in Philology.
Joseph Edkins – 1871 p181/2. google books.

JC: key searches: Turanian Compounds, hat and Fo referring to Japanese Budzu equating near to Chinese Fo with Buddha. See, hat’agaho “to dry” to harden in transitive state as with fire to harden and dry. 29/12/2012.


“Q. Can you say what is the real meaning of the word Fohat?

A. The word is a Turanian compound and its meanings are various. In China Pho, or
Fo, is the word for “animal soul,” the vital Nephesh or the breath of life. BCW X 354.



The Psychological Key to the Secret Doctrine


A brief elaboration on the three fires as explained by Master DK via HPB and AAB. Pt2.

That which is given in the Secret Doctrine, and supplemented here by further details, will suffice for the investigations of students for another generation. Each generation should produce those able to ascertain subjective fact for themselves; they will utilize that which is exoteric and known as stepping stones on the path to perfect knowledge. They will know, and they will give out, and only the next cycle of fifty years after their work is accomplished will see the recognition by the many of the truth revealed by the few. In the case of H. P. B. this is apparent. On the tide of the present endeavour, the Secret Doctrine will be vindicated and her work justified. TCF 707.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire endeavored to give the psychological key to The Secret Doctrine and to interpret the underlying consciousness which the Beings (considered in The Secret Doctrine) express, so in A Treatise on the Seven Rays, I am carrying on the same idea and, at the same time, seeking to give the needed key to modern exoteric psychology and also some indications as to the astrological key to The Secret Doctrine to which H.P.B. refers. The Entities dealt with in her masterpiece of esoteric truth are here revealed as cosmic, solar and planetary influences evoking – in response to Their outpoured energy or vibratory activity – an awakening of consciousness in the form so that it becomes aligned to or closely related to Their Own. All revelations appear to emerge into the consciousness of the race in their lowest or most material form because the “ascent of knowledge towards wisdom” is always the key to progress, and, therefore, exoteric psychology and exoteric mundane astrology had to precede the revelation of their significance; the nature of the form had to be made apparent and man accustomed to it before the meaning behind the form could be revealed. EA 291.

In many ways today H.P.B.’s book The Secret Doctrine is out of date and its approach to the Ageless Wisdom has little or no appeal to the modern generation. But those of us who really studied it and arrived at some understanding of its inner significance have a basic appreciation of the truth that no other book seems to supply. H.P.B. said that the next interpretation of the Ageless Wisdom would be a psychological approach, and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, which I published in 1925, is the psychological key to The Secret Doctrine. None of my books would have been possible had I not at one time made a very close study of The Secret Doctrine.UA 215.

Another revolutionary thing that the Tibetan did was when He dictated the contents of A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. In this book He gave what H.P.B. prophesied He would give, the psychological key to cosmic creation. H.P.B. stated that in the 20th century a disciple would come who would give information concerning the three fires with which The Secret Doctrine deals: electric fire, solar fire and fire by friction. This prophecy was fulfiled when A Treatise on Cosmic Fire was given out to the public.This book concerns the fire of pure spirit or life; the fire of the mind that vitalizes every atom of the solar system and creates the medium through which the Sons of God develop. It also concerns the fire of matter producing that attraction and repulsion which is the basic law of evolution, and holding forms together so as to provide vehicles for the evolving life and later, when they have served their purpose, repulsing those forms so that the evolving lives can move on their way to higher evolution. The true significance of this book will only be appreciated towards the close of this century. It is of a profundity and a depth of technical knowledge which lies beyond the understanding of the ordinary reader. It is also a bridging book because it takes certain basic, oriental ideas and phrases and introduces them to the occidental student, whilst at the same time it makes practical the sometimes vague, metaphysical concepts of the East.UA 237.

Letters on Occult Meditation followed next. These indicated a somewhat new approach to meditation, based not on devotion to the Masters but on a recognition of the soul in each person. This was succeeded by A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. This book was an expansion of the teaching given in The Secret Doctrine on the three fires – electric fire, solar fire and Are by friction – and it was an awaited sequence. It also presented the psychological key to The Secret Doctrine and is intended to offer study to disciples and initiates at the close of this century and the beginning of the next century, up until 2025 A.D.UA 246. DINA1 778.

In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire the Tibetan has given us what H. P. Blavatsky prophesied he would give, namely, the psychological key to the Cosmic Creation. H.P.B. stated that in the 20th century a disciple would come who would give the psychological key to her own monumental work The Secret Doctrine on which treatise the Tibetan worked with her; and Alice A. Bailey worked in complete recognitionof her own task in this sequence. Tunbridge Wells, December 1950. Foster Bailey. TCF viii.

I would remind you that there is an astrological key to The Secret Doctrine which cannot yet be given in completeness. I can give you some hints and suggest some lines of approach, and these, if carried in the consciousness of the illumined astrologers, may enable one of them at a later date to discover that key and then – turning it on behalf of humanity – reveal the fourth great fundamental of the Ageless Wisdom of which three are already given in the Proem of The Secret Doctrine. EA 7.

Speaking of the keys to the Zodiacal mysteries as being almost lost to the world, it was remarked by the writer in “Isis Unveiled” some ten years ago that: “The said key must be turned seven times before the whole system is divulged. We will give it but one turn, and thereby allow the profane one glimpse into the mystery. Happy he, who understands the whole!”

The same may be said of the whole Esoteric system. One turn of the key, and no more, was given in “Isis.” Much more is explained in these volumes. In those days the writer hardly knew the language in which the work was written, and the disclosure of many things, freely spoken about now, was forbidden. In Century the Twentieth some disciple more informed, and far better fitted, may be sent by the Masters of Wisdom to give final and irrefutable proofs that there exists a Science called Gupta-Vidya; and that, like the once-mysterious sources of the Nile, the source of all religions and philosophies now known to the world has been for many ages forgotten and lost to men, but is at last found. Such a work as this has to be introduced with no simple Preface, but with a volume rather; one that would give facts, not mere disquisitions, since the SECRET DOCTRINE is not a treatise, or a series of vague theories, but contains all that can be given out to the world in this century. SD1 xxxviii


This scheme, it must be added, was not in contemplation when the preparation of the work was first announced. As originally announced, it was intended that the “Secret Doctrine” should be an amended and enlarged version of “Isis Unveiled.” It was, however, soon found that the explanations which could be added to those already put before the world in the last-named and other works dealing with esoteric science, were such as to require a different method of treatment: and consequently the present volumes do not contain, in all, twenty pages extracted from “Isis Unveiled.” SD vii.

It is needless to explain that this book is not the Secret Doctrine in its entirety, but a select number of fragments of its fundamental tenets, special attention being paid to some facts which have been seized upon by various writers, and distorted out of all resemblance to the truth. SD1 viii.

Another revolutionary thing that the Tibetan did was when He dictated the contents of A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. In this book He gave what H.P.B. prophesied He would give, the psychological key to cosmic creation. H.P.B. stated that in the 20th century a disciple would come who would give information concerning the three fires with which The Secret Doctrine deals: electric fire, solar fire and fire by friction. This prophecy was fulfiled when A Treatise on Cosmic Fire was given out to the public. This book concerns the fire of pure spirit or life; the fire of the mind that vitalizes every atom of the solar system and creates the medium through which the Sons of God develop. It also concerns the fire of matter producing that attraction and repulsion which is the basic law of evolution, and holding forms together so as to provide vehicles for the evolving life and later, when they have served their purpose, repulsing those forms so that the evolving lives can move on their way to higher evolution. The true significance of this book will only be appreciated towards the close of this century. It is of a profundity and a depth of technical knowledge which lies beyond the understanding of the ordinary reader. It is also a bridging book because it takes certain basic, oriental ideas and phrases and introduces them to the occidental student, whilst at the same time it makes practical the sometimes vague, metaphysical concepts of the East. UA 237. AAB.

This was succeeded by A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. This book was an expansion of the teaching given in The Secret Doctrine on the three fires – electric fire, solar fire and Are by friction – and it was an awaited sequence. It also presented the psychological key to The Secret Doctrine and is intended to offer study to disciples and initiates at the close of this century and the beginning of the next century, up until 2025 A.D. UA 246. DK.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire – Fire

“What says the esoteric teaching with regard to Fire?”

* Fire is the most perfect and unadulterated reflection, in Heaven as on earth, of the One Flame. It is life and death, the origin and the end of every material thing. It is divine Substance.”
(Secret Doctrine I. 146)
* Our earth and man (are) the products of the Three Fires.
(Secret Doctrine, II. 258)
* Fire and flame destroy the body of an Arhat; their essence makes him immortal.
(Secret Doctrine I. 35)

The Three Fires

I. The Internal Fire or Fire by Friction
There is heat internal and heat external in every atom, the breath of the Father (Spirit) and the breath (or heat) of the Mother (matter).
(Secret Doctrine I. 112)

II. The Fire of Mind or Solar Fire

The fire of knowledge burns up all action on the plane of illusion, therefore those who have acquired it and are emancipated are called Fires.
(Secret Doctrine I. 114)

III. The Fire of Spirit or Electric Fire
Lift up thy head, O Lanoo; dost thou see one, or countless lights above thee, burning in the dark midnight sky?
I sense one Flame, O Gurudeva; I see countless undetached sparks shining in it.
(Secret Doctrine I. 145) [xviii] Treatise on Cosmic Fire.

“Man needs four flames and three fires to become one on Earth, and he requires the essence of the forty-nine fires**** to be perfect. It is those who have deserted the Superior Spheres, the Gods of Will,***** who complete the Manu of illusion. For the ‘Double Dragon’ has no hold upon the mere form. It is like the breeze where there is no tree or branch to receive and harbour it. It cannot affect the form where there is no agent of transmission (Manas, “Mind”) and the form knows it not.”
“In the highest worlds, the three are one,****** on Earth (at first) the one becomes two. They are like the two (side) lines of a triangle that has lost its bottom line — which is the third fire.” (Catechism Book III., sec. 9.)
**** Explained elsewhere. The “Three Fires,” Pavaka, Pavamana, and Suchi, who had forty-five sons, who, with their three fathers and their Father Agni, constitute the 49 fires. Pavamana (fire produced by friction) is the parent of the fire of the Asuras; Suchi (Solar fire) is the parent of the fire of the gods; and Pavaka (electric fire) is the father of the fire of the Pitris (See Vayu Purana). But this is an explanation on the material and the terrestrial plane. The flames are evanescent and only periodical; the fires — eternal in their triple unity. They correspond to the four lower, and the three higher human principles.
***** The Suras, who become later the A-Suras.
****** Atma, Buddhi and Manas. In Devachan the higher element of the Manas is needed to make it a state of perception and consciousness for the disembodied Monad. SD2 57.

“Our earth and man,” says the Commentary, “being the products of the three Fires” — whose three names answer, in Sanskrit, to “the electric fire, the Solar fire, and the fire produced by friction,” — these three fires, explained on the Cosmic and human planes, are Spirit, Soul, and Body, the three great Root groups, with their four additional divisions. These vary with the Schools, and become — according to their applications — the upadhis and the vehicles, or the noumena of these. In the exoteric accounts, they are personified by the “three sons of surpassing brilliancy and splendour” of Agni Abhimanin, the eldest son of Brahma, the Cosmic LOGOS, by Swaha, one of Daksha’s* daughters. In the metaphysical sense the “Fire of friction” means the Union between Buddhi, the sixth, and Manas, the fifth, principles, which thus are united or cemented together; the fifth merging partially into and becoming part of the monad; in the physical, it relates to the creative spark, or germ, which fructifies and generates the human being. The three Fires, it is said (whose names are Pavaka, Pavamana and Suchi) were condemned by a curse of Vasishta, the great sage, “to be born over and over again.” (Bhagavata-Purana iv. 24, 4.) This is clear enough. SD2 247.

The symbol of the commingling of the “philosophical three fires and the three waters, whence results the procreation of the elements of all things. The same idea is found in the Indian equilateral double triangle. For, though it is called in that country the sign of Vishnu, yet in truth it is the symbol of the Triad (or the Trimurti). For, even in the exoteric rendering, the lower triangle [[diagram]] with the apex downward, is the symbol of Vishnu, the god of the moist principle and water (“Nara-yana,” or the moving Principle in Nara, water;**) while the triangle, with its apex upward, [[diagram]] is Siva, the Principle of Fire, symbolized by the triple flame in his hand. (See the bronze statue of Tripurantika Siva, “Mahadeva destroying Tripurasura,” at the museum of the India House). It is these two interlaced triangles — wrongly called “Solomon’s seal,” which also form the emblem of our Society. SD2 591/2.

The internal fire of matter is called in the Secret Doctrine “Fire by Friction.” It is an effect and not a cause, It is produced by the two fires of spirit and of mind (electric and solar fire) contacting each other through the medium of matter. This energy demonstrates in matter itself as the internal fires of the sun, and of the planets and finds a reflection in the internal fires of man. Man is the Flame Divine and the fire of Mind brought into contact through the medium of substance or form. When evolution ends, the fire of matter is not cognizable. It persists only when the other two fires are associated, and it does not persist apart from substance itself.

Let us now briefly recognize certain facts regarding fire in matter and let us take them in order, leaving time to elucidate their significance. First we might say that the internal fire being both latent and active, shows itself as the synthesis of the acknowledged fires of the system, and demonstrates, for instance, as solar radiation and inner planetary combustion. This subject has been somewhat covered by science, and is hidden in the mystery of physical plane electricity, which is an expression of the active internal fires of the system and of the planet just as inner combustion is an expression of the latent internal fires. These latter fires are to be found in the interior of each globe, and are the basis of all objective physical life.

Secondly, we might note that the internal fires are the basis of life in the lower three kingdoms of nature, and in the fourth or human kingdom in connection with the two lower vehicles. The Fire of Mind, when blended with the internal fires, is the basis of life in the fourth kingdom, and united they control (partially now and later entirely) the lower threefold man or the personality; this control lasts up to the time of the first Initiation.

The fire of Spirit finally, when blended with the two other fires (which blending commences in man at the first initiation), forms a basis of spiritual life or existence. As evolution proceeds in the fifth or spiritual kingdom, these three fires blaze forth simultaneously, producing perfected consciousness. This blaze results in the final purification of matter and its consequent adequacy; at the close of manifestation it brings about eventually the destruction of the form and its dissolution, and the termination of existence as understood on the lower planes. In terms of Buddhistic theology it produces annihilation; this involves, not loss of identity, but the cessation of objectivity and the escape of Spirit, plus mind, to its cosmic center. It has its analogy in the initiation at which the adept stands free from the limitations of matter in the three worlds. TCF 51/2.




Exceed Light Speed



Exceed light speed:

BBC news: A meeting at Cern, the world’s largest physics lab, has addressed results that suggest subatomic particles have gone faster than the speed of light.

The team presented its work so other scientists can determine if the approach contains any mistakes.

If it does not, one of the pillars of modern science will come tumbling down.

Antonio Ereditato added “words of caution” to his Cern presentation because of the “potentially great impact on physics” of the result.

The speed of light is widely held to be the Universe’s ultimate speed limit, and much of modern physics – as laid out in part by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity – depends on the idea that nothing can exceed it.

“We want to be helped by the community in understanding our crazy result – because it is crazy” Antonio Ereditato Opera collaboration.

Light speed: Flying into fantasy

Thousands of experiments have been undertaken to measure it ever more precisely, and no result has ever spotted a particle breaking the limit.

“We tried to find all possible explanations for this,” the report’s author Antonio Ereditato of the Opera collaboration told BBC News on Thursday evening.

“We wanted to find a mistake – trivial mistakes, more complicated mistakes, or nasty effects – and we didn’t.

“When you don’t find anything, then you say ‘well, now I’m forced to go out and ask the community to scrutinise this’.”

…Let us be clear: it would be a tremendously exciting time for physics, and a daunting one for physicists


Neutrinos are among the fundamental building blocks of matter. They swarm all about us.

The Sun, for example, releases them in huge quantities when it fuses hydrogen to make helium – the raw nuclear process at its core.

They are, however, very difficult to study because they interact so weakly with normal matter. Hence, their nickname – “ghost particles”.

Nonetheless, scientists have been able to discern three flavours – electron neutrinos, muon neutrinos, and tau neutrinos.

Previous research has characterised two forms of oscillations.

The T2K experiment has now seen hints for a third transformation – that of a muon neutrino turning into an electron neutrino.


“The shock of cosmic currents that exceed the speed of light. The study of such currents has not yet been developed, and people stumble upon obscure evidence only by accident.” AY 291.

JPC: Recent news on the possible discovery of the breaking of the law of physics as currently understood has caught the scientific community asking fundamental questions such as can the speed of light be exceeded. If so this is verified by the Agni Yoga teachings which mentions a certain instance where this is true. Other instances may also be true and scientists may be witnessing one currently. It seems a possibility that the sub atomic particles in question are of the first ether. DK has spoken much of the fourth ether, for our context.

The more rarefied the matter of the cosmic physical, the faster energy should travel, but we might have to use the term infinity and infinite as the nature of speed pre supposes distance and time and therefore this does not exist in these fields. I think relative infinitum applies to the inner multi dimensional worlds. Here are a collection of interesting sentences I have correlated for study concerning light and speed. I have not used page references for this and copy and past here as is from my research paper.

Physical plane Light, has a close connection with, and uses, as a medium, the second ether. Heart Centre 2nd ray Jupiter/Sun. Formless, the one giver of light, is the Great Power; from that appeared the Sonoriferous ether (Akasha). Heat: Duality. The second Logos. Solar fire. The Son aspect. The speed of an unbroken transmission is equal to the speed of light. The shock of cosmic currents exceed the speed of light. Physical light is the manifestation on our plane and the reflected radiance of the Divine Light.

Akasha is of course the root of matter and manifests initially on the second plane, the sea of fire, but there is a correspondence with matter on the descent to the etheric planes and especially the 2nd etheric which is the medium of light photons and waves. As they manifest from the solar body. It is the rotation of the sun which creates a release of its stored electrical energy in all forms. It is the light of Akasha using an etheric medium via waves which give us solar light, colour, and prana ect.

“The speed of an unbroken transmission is equal to the speed of light.” Heart 124.

“The shock of cosmic currents exceeds the speed of light.” MM.

“Action of the spirit is incalculably swift. Thought is a reflex of the spirit; hence the motion of thought is incredibly rapid. Only after many steps on a slow scale is the calculation of the speed of light begun.” Leaves 214.

Speed of light c 299,792,458 m/s

When MM states that a transmission is equal to the speed of light, I take it as a scientific fact pertaining to how and what context he is speaking of, which is not always immediately apparent. The speed of an unbroken transmission is equal to the speed of light. Heart 124. I venture that he is speaking of a telepathic transmission via an etheric medium of the 2nd ether which will determine under physics the speed of light as a constant. Also if the vibration is lower as is spoken of, then the speed will be much slower. This is indicated and would fall in line with physics and the 4th ether as a medium. All that was spoken of by MM and myself related to the 4th 3rd and 2nd ethers as a medium of colour, sound and light respectively. I think on occasions such as the mentioned “cosmic shock” there is perhaps a passing into the atomic 1st plane of the dense physical thus the rate of travel would exceed light speed of the 2nd ether. [note, written some years prior to this scientific news].

We know that Einstein’s [and others] calculations place that speed as it travels in time and space at 299,792,458 meters per second. We are informed that the rotary motion or atomic spin of a planet or an atom is the action that frees the inherent energy of the body or celestial sphere via the medium the akasha pre etheric substance. This motion sends the inner electrical energy outward throwing it into waves passing onward via the medium of the etheric substance. It is literally prana or fire by friction which contains the energy in photons that may also be broken down or refracted prism like to release 3rd etheric colour from the 2nd ethric substance or light carrier. As we know, light is electromagnetic radiation. Thought power also travels at this speed if it is of a lofty enough nature. Apparently thoughts of a lesser vibration travel much slower as informed by the AY teachings.

Master Morya tells us that the transmission between the Master and disciple is equal to the speed of light c or constant. This is very interesting in that the telepathic communication via an etheric medium is also of that c or speed. He also informs that currents of “shock” rupture or discordant release of waves or currents that are harmful to man exceeds that “constant” or light speed. This may be due to a higher excitation value which allows such travel to exceed light speed. Professor Lena Hau had demonstrated that in certain experimental conditions the speed of light can be either slowed/stopped or increased to a greater speed than its original value of 299,792,458 meters per second.

1st Ether= May exceed light speed…

c 299,792,458 metres per second /Frequency 218,700,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.0013707931321444901691815272062186 meters per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792458 meters per second. Wave period = 4.5724737082761774119798811149545 The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration. Example theory and esoteric reference material.

All physical phenomena as we understand the term have an electrical origin and an initial vibration on the first sub plane of the physical plane. Head Centre 1st ray Vulcan. DK.

2nd Ether=

c 299,792,458 metres per second /Frequency 24,300,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.012337138189300411522633744855967 meters per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792458 meters per second. Wave period = 4.1152263374485596707818930037926 The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration.

Physical plane Light, has a close connection with, and uses, as a medium, the second ether. Heart Centre 2nd ray Jupiter/Sun. Formless, the one giver of light, is the Great Power; from that appeared the Sonoriferous ether (Akasha). Heat: Duality. The second Logos. Solar fire. The Son aspect. The speed of an unbroken transmission is equal to the speed of light. The shock of cosmic currents exceed the speed of light. Physical light is the manifestation on our plane and the reflected radiance of the Divine Light. Light Rays of pranic aspect, some of which are being now recognized by the modern scientist. They are but aspects of the latent heat of the sun as it approaches the Earth by a particular line of least resistance. DK.

3rd Ether=

c 299,792,458 metres per second /Frequency 2,700,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.1110342437037037037037037037037 meters per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792458 meters per second. Wave period = 3.7037037037037037037037037036802 The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration.

Sound functions through the third ether. Throat Centre 3rd ray Saturn. DK.

4th Ether=

c 299,792,458 metres per second /Frequency 300,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.99930819333333333333333333333333 meters per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792457.9999999999999999999999 meters per second. Wave period = 3.3333333333333333333333333333322 The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration.

Colour in a peculiar sense is allied to the fourth ether. 7th ray Uranus. It is the ether which the violet ray uses as a medium. It is the etheric sphere within which, at a little later date, the human and the deva evolutions will touch. From this fourth etheric sphere the dense physical bodies are created. Ether of the fourth Order. Etheric matter of the Heavenly Men. DK.