As a student of The Great Quest you will be expected to complete one written assignment per month, to be posted three days after the Full Moon. This assignment consists of a meditation report plus answers to study questions. This work is to be done during the Light Half of the Year (LHY, between the December solstice and June solstice). During the Dark Half of the Year (DHY) your course work will consist of solidifying your learning from the LHY. You will do this by writing a paper on a specific course-related subject. Additionally, meditation reports continue throughout the DHY.
Proficiency in the English language is a requirement for the main course because mentors communicate with students in English and our learning materials are written in English. We do recognize the importance of offering study programs in languages other than English and to that effect, translations of the Morya Federation Curriculum into other languages are currently in process. At this time we also offer Great Quest in both Vietnamese and Portuguese languages, and translations are on-going for French, Spanish, and Italian.
How Much Time?
In total, you can expect to spend about half an hour a day in meditation, plus about ten hours per month studying and writing your reports.
Here are some guidelines for the monthly reports:
Meditation reports typically should not exceed one page
Responses to each study question should be full, but brief.
Papers (which are written during the DHY) usually range from four to eight pages.
Students can choose to exceed these guidelines, but this would be beyond our expectations.
Your mentor
You will be assigned a mentor who will support you throughout the program’s duration, and who will comment on your meditation and study reports. Your mentor is your first contact with the Morya Federation. The student-mentor-relationship is intended to be ‘impersonally-personal’ or ‘personally-impersonal’, to quote the idea of Alice Bailey. You mentor will be closely involved with your general spiritual progress and will serve you as a source of spiritual guidance in your quest for enlightenment.
Application in Daily Life
The Great Quest is also very much oriented towards application – application of esoteric learnings and new spiritual practices to every day life as you live your spiritual values among your family, friends, and community. You will increasingly radiate the love of your soul and benefit those whose lives you touch. This is one way to understand the meaning of the word “service”.
Rhythm and Flexibility
One important requirement is a steady rhythm of work. You will get the most benefit and advancement in your spiritual life if you fulfill your monthly obligations with consistency and timeliness. We understand that in the course of study with us, there may be times when other life responsibilities may affect your meditation and study schedule. When such circumstances occur, we do make allowances and offer flexible options
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this course, or about the Morya Federation itself. An administrator or faculty member will respond to you.
If you feel drawn or ‘called’ to become a student in The Great Quest, please download and complete The Great Quest Application. Once you have submitted your Application, the Admissions Committee will carefully consider it; you will receive notification concerning your admission about two weeks after your Application has been received.
Application-The Great Quest
Great Quest Overview (English)
Great Quest Description (English)
Great Quest (other languages)
We also offer Great Quest in Portuguese and French, but students take Meditation Quest first.
Our other streams of education
Meditation Quest for beginners
Meditation Quest Overview (English)
Meditation Quest Description (English)
Meditation Quest Requirements (English)
Meditation Quest (other languages)
La quete spirituelle par la meditation
Búsqueda por Medio de la Meditación
Quest Universal, the most advanced program
Quest Universal Overview (English)
Quest Universal Description (English)
Quest Universal Requirements (English)
We offer some Quest Universal programs in Vietnamese, but students enter this program by first taking Meditation Quest and Great Quest.