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The Collected writings of Michael D. Robbins
Full Moon Events and recordings
Morya Federation Webinars and recordings
The Personal Identity Profile Version 3 (PIP III) is Here!
PIP III: Personal Identity Profile Version 3
To get the new PIPIII, visit:
Friends, this introduces a video for interpreting the PIP III. It should help you see how you can apply it to your own incarnation. I hope to be in a position to help you do that with webinars that can be offered over the Internet. Meanwhile, maybe my ray ‘autobiography’ using PIP III will help you.
Light, Love and Power, Michael
Interpretation of the PIP III Results by Michael Robbins 1,577 MB .wmv file, 3hrs
PIP III Example Report, Michael Robbins Report .8 MB .pdf file
PIP III Example Report, Large Print, Michael Robbins Report .5 MB .pdf file
PIP II Manual (older version, but much still applies) 1.25 MB .pdf file
Soul-Personality Ray Combinations 52 KB .doc file
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Invitation to join the Morya Federation
Second invitation letter from Michael Robbins:
Dear Friends of Humanity and Disciples Aspiring Towards the Light of Wisdom,
We soon begin the eighth year of meditation and study within the Morya Federation—a federated group of esoteric schools bridging towards the New and Future Schools of Esotericism which are beginning to appear around the world. Their initial appearance may be anticipated perhaps in decades, and their full appearance perhaps in centuries; nevertheless the bridge must be built.
The Ageless Wisdom is the “pearl of great price”. It has been given to us through the tremendous sacrifice of Masters and high initiates. We must finally come to recognize this. When the opportunity exists to deeply study and meditation upon the Ageless Wisdom (and to enhance our service to humanity as a result of our meditation and study), the opportunity must be taken, if we are even truly to join the ranks of those who are the Custodians of the Divine Plan.
Please go to the Morya Federation Website ( and press the tab called Applications. There you will find the opportunity to apply for one of three of our educational programs: Meditation Quest, Great Quest or Quest Universal. Please examine the website and learn about the Morya Federation, its programs and its purposes. We look forward to receiving one of your completed Applications shortly, so you can be ready to start your studies at the December Solstice, December 21st, 2015. This is the time when Master DK recommended for beginning the yearly cycle of the new esoteric schools. And if you are a former student of the Federation, we will be pleased to re-welcome you for the continuation of your studies. On the Path of Spirituality leading to liberation, we must never give up!
Light, Love and Power,
Michael D. Robbins, Ph.D., Ph.D.E.
Director: Morya Federation
President: University of the Seven Rays and Seven Ray Institute
First invitation letter from Michael Robbins:
Dear Prospective Students of the Morya Federation,
The Morya Federation is an esoteric school bridging towards the Future Preparatory Schools of Meditation about which the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, writes so inspiringly in His book, Letters on Occult Meditation. At the Morya Federation we have embraced as much of the Master’s extensive, proposed esoteric curriculum as is possible for us at this time. We seek to give students who wish to expand their understanding of the Realities of Life a comprehensive and deep exposure to the Ageless Wisdom which, if truth be told, is far older than our planet, Earth.
Every year at this time I begin to write those who may have an interest in going deeper in the understanding of the Great Mysteries which the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet is now urgently presenting to the human race. Ever since the emergence of the great Initiate, Helena P. Blavatsky in the late 19th century (and her monumental words, Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine) the Spiritual Hierarchy has been making a concerted effort to increase the spiritual light, spiritual love and spiritual will of the human race so that the great transformation which is anticipated for humanity may occur according to the Divine Plan. Alice A. Bailey (working with the Tibetan Master) continued this invaluable presentation for another thirty years—from 1919 to 1949. It has not been easy but, in many ways, the presentation has been successful, and we, at the Morya Federation, seek to be of assistance to the Great Ones in Their great task of assisting in the redemption of humanity.
We are beginning our eighth year at the Morya Federation on December 22nd, 2015. I will hold our annual Inaugural Meditation (which will include the exact moment of the December Solstice) on that date for all students (both new students and the veteran students who have been with us for some years or even from the very beginning). I hope your deep thought and meditation brings you to join us as participants in our Educational Program which lasts from one to eight years (or more, according to your will-to-complete and on your background in Trans-Himalayan Esotericism).
When you go to our Morya Federation Website ( you will learn all about our Educational Federation and its programs. Please go there, read about what we offer, take your time to read carefully, and if you feel inspired by the possibilities, go to the Application Section, and choose to fill out one of our three types of Applications for 1) Meditation Quest (our Introduction to Meditation Program); 2) Great Quest (our Introductory Esoteric Psychology Program); or 3) Quest Universal (our Advanced Program in Esoteric Studies).
When one carefully examines the condition of humanity’s psyche, one easily sees the maya, glamor and illusion which excessively influence human thought and action. The unfortunate state of consciousness of so many in the Family of Humanity simply must change if we are to emerge as we should into the Age of Aquarius. The Ageless Wisdom holds the key to a far deeper understanding of the nature and destiny of the Human Family and of the aspiring individual within that family. Compared with the distorted and, even, childish visions which animate so many hundreds of millions, a true understanding of the Ageless Wisdom is seen as absolutely essential to humanity’s successful development. Bringing the Ageless Wisdom to humanity will require many intelligent men and women of goodwill, many servers, who are well-versed in its lore—students and teachers who understand it in depth. This potential for acquiring in-depth understanding (and the application in service of what is understood) is what we offer at the Morya Federation, the programs of which cover the wide range of esoteric thought—from the fundamentals all the way to the deeper and more abstruse levels of esotericism.
Please do go to our Morya Federation Website and take a good look at what we offer. If you wish to serve your fellow human beings by going deeply into the art and science of meditation and into esoteric studies (and inspiring others with what you have learned), then choose to fill out one of the three types of Applications and join us in the quest for true enlightenment – which will inevitably be followed by deeper service to your fellow human beings.
If you are already a member of the Morya Federation (either as a student or Faculty) please share this letter with those you know who may be interested in and may benefit from our educational programs. Many students illumined by the Ageless Wisdom are needed to help humanity make the great transition which lies before it—a transition into the fifth kingdom of nature, the Kingdom of Souls. This will signify the First Initiation of Humanity. We can hasten the arrival of this great unfoldment of consciousness if our will to meditation, study and service is of adequate strength!
Light, Love and Power:
Michael D. Robbins: Ph.D., Ph.D.E.: Director, Morya Federation; President, University of the Seven Rays and Seven Ray Institute